First Build, Single Vero29/upgradeability. Help appreciated :)

Discuss COBs or any other types of LEDs that don’t fit the other categories (Cree, Citizen, Migro, etc.).
Capt. Saicin
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Shimbob wrote:
Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:58 am
I believe you might have it wrong.
The HLG-185H-48A can only be adjusted from 1.95A to 3.9A. The cob does not limit itself to 2.6A.
Actually got the HLG-240H-42A.
It has two internal Potis. Both down lowest yields 35,3V@1,44A (measured with multitool) which is weird since adjustable range should be Voltage=39V-45V Amps=2,86A-5,72A with some tolerances. I mean, I'll take it but would be nice to get some info on it.
Is it working in const. Voltage mode?

Dialing up the amp poti till multitool says 2,6A works, voltage rises to 37V without touching the voltage poti.
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Well im on my way doing something similar. Ordered a cob chip and a driver. But a little changes in life did that i can not justify spending more money on some hobby project so iil put it on Ice for a while but i can still think about how to proceed when im able to order more parts and so on.

I have for the moment
Driver: mean well HLG-240H-C1750A
It is rated 250w. It puts out 1.75A constant curent and should be (i do not know this tecnical words in english, im sorry, I dont know how to express myself in a professional way even though im educated in electrics, but that is in swedish), but yeah anyway.
Output load should be 71-143 V.

And i have a vero 29 also. This one i got is the 50.7v version. 3000k 90 cri.

So this is what i got. My initial plan have been to order another chip like this one i got. Then iil get about 100 v load if I put them in serie. That is going to work, if iil run them at full current they would be like 90w each (88.7w)

But i think im going to also buy another vero 29 chip but the 36.6v version, have it eat those 1.75 Amps aswell and then iil be generating about 240 w effect with those chips.

My driver is that one with built in potentiometer so i can go from 50-100%.

So, initial plan. This is what I have been thinking of. But now ive been introduced to those stripes here and yeah, arrays of smaller leds. So dont know what to do. The cooling is a big thing. It would be expensive to order passive cooling but that would be better. But maybe iil go for cheap and go with active.

Dont even know really what to use this light for :D

I would be glad if you capt. And also you kmb would post a link or something so i can see what heatsink you use. And also pictures of the things u built would be nice!

As soon as i get my hands on something else with a voltage drop over the component so iil end up in this 71-143v range iil start testing this shit out.

Would be fun to se the growroom of yours with the lamp capt.!
Capt. Saicin
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Tassetapir wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:14 am
I would be glad if you capt. And also you kmb would post a link or something so i can see what heatsink you use. And also pictures of the things u built would be nice!
Pictures are here.

Ordered 2 more COB/HS now, will arrive on monday. I'll have to figure out a proper way of mounting these three then :D
Currently using NX301117‎ which are too small. Getting quite hot @50W. Dont have a way to accurately measure, though. Touchable for about 10secs before i feel a strong desire to pull back.
I plan to replace them with ModuLED Mega 134100 or the bigger ModuLED Giga 152100 at some point.

The grow is a storage box with liftable two-chamber toolcontainer. Drilled some holes in the container, layered it with a wicking mat, let wicking strips run through holes into reservoir/box and filled the container with clay pebbles. Haven't watered them from top so wicking works. Roots are starting to grow out of the holes into reservoir. I may cut them occasionally, want to keep the plants stocky and bonsai-like. I dont need them to be big if they produce year-round.
Reservoir is completeley passive and seems to be fine despite the current heatwave (3 weeks total, weekly waterchange. Water wasnt smelly much and clear. Gonna change water tomorrow, pic3 shows weeks old water)
If this thing works i'll probably add another Box to the Shelf for some more Chili variety. (Also: please dont mind the sad Chili bottom-right. She's special. pic4)

If you look carefully you can kinda see that i've started to grow the seedlings under a weak 12W blurple and switched to the COB 6 days ago. They've completely stopped stretching, phew :D
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I've kind of finished the Lamp. Only need to work on a better way to hang it. Probably will be drilling into the ceiling or building a holdingframe similar to the provisional one currently in use but sturdier and prettier.

Bending the Aluminum Sheet (1,5mmx30cmx80cm, "wings" at 7cm each) was a pain but i managed to do it with the help of paps. Put the COB onto the sheet's underside, and the heatsink onto the topside. Works pretty well as both reflector and additional heatsink. And i'm pretty happy with how it looks, though spacing could be improved... :D

Added another Box with a timed pump/drippers and Habanero Gold/Red in Seramis clay.

Passive box is working well. Wicking still works and Reservoir beneath seems to be in good health. Getting some moss growing on clay/coco surface but that was to be expected.
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I really like the reflector. Great work on the style of the fixture.
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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