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Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:39 am
by Leblanca
Thats what i tought too that the gen 4 woult be better than the gen 3, i wanted to ask luminus manufacturer to be sure before spending money on cob, should i use a cxm-22 gen 4 or the cxm-22 hortilum to grow cannabis, and both rep told me the hortilum chip. Why would the manufacturer recommend me the wrong chip?

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:12 am
Its not that they are reccomending the wrong chip so much as they are reccomending a spectrum over efficiency, there is more advantage in the higher efficiency than there is in the spectrum in this circumstance. There isnt enough of an advantage to the horticultural spectrum to sacrifice efficiency with those COBs. They are not very efficient to begin with in comparison to cheap quantum boards.

If you dont care about electricity consumption then go for spectrum but I would still suggest white over purple, the other thing that is annoying with those horticultural leds is they are not a good color to observe your plants with. Better to use a nice white color in my opinion.
I could give you a conversion rate to compare micromouls per joule to lumens per watt for 3000K CRI90 just so you can see what the difference will be.
Multiply the lumens by 0.0175 to calculate the PF/umols
You should find that the white 3000K CRI90 is about 15% more efficient
All the luminus COBs use the same blue leds apart from a few of them. Using a blue led to produce red with phosphor just isnt the most efficient way to do it.
I do have a product that I have done this with and its a big sacrifice. For the application it is being used for in my product it is not a big deal but for COB lighting it is.
The reason why white works better is because they are not using as much red phosphor to create the desired color so you end up with more green and amber in the spectrum. Green and amber phosphor is more efficient than red phosphor. Its difficult to explain all of this without making charts and spending alot of time doing it.
If you are in the USA I would really recommend the cheap quantum boards that HLG have over COBs. You can run them soft so you dont need a heatsink and it will work out cheaper and better than using the COBs.

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:23 am
by Leblanca
Hmm ok good to know, but the hortilum light is a white light the HM is anyway, the HS isent as it was the first generation of hortilum light. I did made the calculation base on what i found on their datasheet as the cxm-22 gen 4 90 cri 3000k is giving 7325 lm which transfer i think to about 138 umol/s and the cxm-22-Hm has 110 umol/s, which would mean the gen 4 is more efficient but from my understanding it would be that the gen 4 is giving more energy in part of the spectrum that is not used by the plants as its not a spectrum orientad for plant growth, does it make sense?
i compared the spectrum of the cxm-22 gen 4 and the cxm-22-hm and thats what i got from that.

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:34 am
Yes it is giving more in a specific area but by using the white led you are just adding more light that isnt causing any harm just making your plants grow better. Its like adding a bit of extra light there free of charge. Green and amber light helps your plants grow also. Upto you what choice you make.

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:27 am
by Leblanca
I get that more light in the whole spectrum wont harm anything and yes would be better but the way i understood it is if a chip give 50W well if the spectrum is more focused in the plant growth spectrum as per example in the hortilum chip compared to the regular gen 4 cxm chip i think that the chip use also 50w but the energy is spread through a broader spectrum causing the power of the spectrum to be lower averagely, would it make sence? its like filling bucket of water, if i fill bucket of water in a wide range of bucket they will each have less water than if i fill less bucket range, dont know if my analogy make any sense but for me a chip using 50W in a specific spectrum compared to a chip giving 50 w in a spectrum that is less used by plants, there is energy that is wasted no?

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:05 am
You are correct in your way of thinking but the 3000K cri90 is a very good spectrum for what you want to grow. I have done my own tests on this over the years and also seeing what spectrums work for others I would still suggest the 3000K cri90, if you wanted more red then 2700K cri90. Who says the horticultural spectrum luminus are pushing is correct? They make it that way because they can do it and do it cheap.
I am under an NDA with luminus so I can't go into things as much as I would like to.
Maybe speak to others that have been growing with leds for thier opinion also.

I am not saying that your horticultural COBs won't produce as I know they will, I'm just giving my opinion of what will work best. 10% increase in performance is alot also.

I personally think you should avoid cobs and use HLG quantum boards, you wont need heatsinks and that will allow you to buy more boards. Performance can be over 10% higher than what you will get with the COBs also, thats before you account for spread.

I will have a range of products very soon if you want to play around with spectrums and it will be reasonably priced. Focus on efficiency per $$$ for your main light then suppliment with suppliments if you want to. Cobs are really not efficient enough by today's standards doesn't matter what the brand is or what the spectrum is cobs just don't do it.
I noticed you mentioned Migro in another post, that guy doesnt take measurements properly so dont rely on him for accurate information as he is pretty clueless as to what he is doing and seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Re: Cxm 32 v4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 11:30 pm
by Leblanca
Well i alredy paid for 32 heatsink on already received my 8 ballast, thermal paste and chip holder and paid for as well.
Im currently just waiting a few days to order the 28mm light chip to decide which one im getting, so far im hestitating between the CXM-22-40-90-54-AC40-F5-3 and the CXM-22-HM-61-54-AC30.