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Clu048-1818 and 180mm heatsink , what driver to choose ?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:25 am
by Simong
Hi Guys and Girls

I know you probably had this question a 100 times already but i cant find the answer i looking for so i made my own topic and im going to update it, a long the way , as my project progresses.

I need to find out which driver i have to buy.

so far i bought :

4 x 180mm heatssinks
4 x clu048-1818 chip with holder and reflector.
i made the frame from 5 mm aluminum

my plan was to run the 4 cobs at around 90-100w each, but i need to have the option to dimm them down to around 50w each(for the early and late stage of flowering)

so far im pretty sure i need one of these , but i pretty lost :-S

Mean Well HLG-480H-C1750

Mean Well HLG-480H-54A

How would you do the setup ?

Greetings from Denmark :-)

Re: Clu048-1818 and 180mm heatsink , what driver to choose ?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:53 am
by WhiteRecluse
I believe those are 50v cobs if memory serves. If that is true than either of those drivers would give you 90 to 100 watts.

The -54 would run a bit higher than 100 watts (closer to 115) at ~2200 mA and therefore might not dim all the way to 50watts. (55ish).you would need to wire these in parallel which is generally considered safer than series wiring.

The c1750 driver would run them around 90 watts each and therefore dim to around 45ish watts. You would need to wire in series which is generally consider easier than parrallel.


Re: Clu048-1818 and 180mm heatsink , what driver to choose ?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:07 am
by Hollywoodharry
guy! So would the HLG-480H-54A still be a good choice for me if I want to run 10x clu048 1818's @ 2100mah or a little over 100 watts ? And should I parellel wire as well ? Any help would be incredibly uplifting . !! I have been reading for days , the calculator suggests hlg-480-c2100 for me I'm guessing buy 2 if this is the route ? Is that series wiring ? I'm an old hippie and boy am I confused I need it dimmable as well