Powdered fulvic acid

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Greenery Bob
LED Enthusiast
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Anyone here have much experience using powdered fulvic acid in hydroponics? I bought a box of it and the usage instructions are for per hectare rather than per gallon or litres. I need help on dosages
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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I use this one:

and it is advertised that it should be used around 1.6g/gallon for irrigation.
LED Wizard
LED Wizard
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It's well worth looking at the research in farming hectars. The dosing is not linear, it needs to hit the right spot on a bell curve... the dosing is very delicate, I think just doubling the dose from optimum already dropped yields.
It's great stuff, but it often gets added to every freaking nutrient bottle, so if your not paying attention you might overdose even without adding any external powder.
Most nutrient lines already contain it. Most boosters also contain it.

My advise would be treading carefully and starting with side by sides. Would only expect positive results if you were using nutrients that don't already contain it, and if you don't mess up the delicate dosing.
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