Greenery Bob's silly 5x5

The fruits of our labor. We welcome all types of plants, but grows posted here must be legal.
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LED Wizard
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Sorry to hear that, I was looking forward to seeing this grow all the way through. Hopefully you will sort it all out for the next run
Find me on Instagram led_teknik
Greenery Bob
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I'll still have waay more than enough. Being a personal medical user with zero interest in selling, it just means a few less nugs in random birthday, xmas, or just for the hell of it gifts.

Every mistake is a learning opportunity.

Lessons learned: closer eye on plants, humidity, heat, and don't expect UV to keep me bud rot free.
Greenery Bob
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Cut out two middle plants that had some nug rot, cranked the blues and uva to 11, and have the reptile lights going 6 of 12 hours.
Greenery Bob
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Day 50 comb overs.
Random nuglet
Random nuglet
Lower nuglet
Lower nuglet
Top canopy comb over
Top canopy comb over
LED Wizard
LED Wizard
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The way I understood UV, it will go both ways, so for example it will lengthen the shelf life of pristine fruits, but immediatly spoil the ones with bruises.

I just gave a dose of 280nm to a plant and she changed color in 30min. 6h later she had developed 3 rot spots, which were definitely there waiting to blow up, since she had been in a non ventilated space a lot.

I think it will reduce molding on all non damaged crop, and increase molding/ issues on any damaged areas.

Beautiful work BTW, just discovered this thread, and will be following.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
Greenery Bob
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Some day 56 goodness.

The terpenes are unreal. Very tropical smelling.
Some minor purpling.
No signs of botrytis on other plants.
Random little nuglet
Random little nuglet
Lower canopy
Lower canopy
Top canopy
Top canopy
Greenery Bob
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I think that lower lighting will become standard practice for me.
LED Wizard
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Are the popcorn areas filling themselves?

When testing sidelighting I had a cookies kush that responded very well with low light levels, so on the next round I grew a huge tree of Ice, and tried similar power levels with it. Ended up with a 6ft plant that had 4 feet of popcorn. Lots of edibles. I doubled the power of the sidelights for my current round and seems I'm avoiding the popcorn this time.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
Greenery Bob
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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Okay. No more suffering with overheating. Air conditioners installed in the hobby room to control the temperature spikes. Next run will be fun.
Greenery Bob
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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First pic. Day 58
Strawberry Daiquiri on the left
Alien Rift on the right

I guess it's about time for more silliness.
Started on Dec.6
Picture taken beginning of day 2 of flower.
3 Cinderella 99s,
3 Strawberry Daiquiris
2 Alien Rifts
1 Serious Bubblegum
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