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I don't have any problems with my plants but heres some pics of my aeroponics grow
Thelma and Louise Roots 6-28.JPG
Thelma and Loise 6-28.JPG
Thelma and Loise 2 6-28.JPG

This is the grow I am designing the light for
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Jolly Green Giant
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I like the chicken mesh to give them something to work around and not just get all balled up :)
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There is a purpose for that. The center is hollow and I have a mister spraying up in the center

Here is a link to the whole system
http://support.ilovegrowingmarijuana.co ... 0/10450/29

Also my grow journal

http://support.ilovegrowingmarijuana.co ... /11156/104
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Jolly Green Giant
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gotcha :) I like the design. I did a aeroponic build once.. I should of keep all the same strain in it.. I had one sweet tooth and 5 XXX420's.. The sweet tooth blew up so freaking huge it blocked all the light to the other 5 lol

Freaking Louise and Lucy Look beautiful!!!!!!!!! well they all do but those two would be my favorite by how they look :).. what kind of smells did that gold leaf giving off? and what's the parent lineage??
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Thanks for the compliment. Not bad for my first grow.

They started smelling around 30 days old. At first it was a skunky smell, but as they are getting older there is more of a sweet smell. I live by myself so the smell is not a issue. I kind of like the smell. I'm building a grow room in my basement so it has a iPower 4' fan and filter when the smell gets to strong.

I don't know the genetics, when I was looking for seeds I just bought what was on sale and was rated for beginners, I would like to try some Autos but the yield is only 2 or 3 oz

Would like to try some different strains. Maybe something with a high CBD for my cancer
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Jolly Green Giant
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new blood is always a good thing... I like a good mix of cbd (or maybe its cbn) with thc.. I always let my one strain go 80-85 days even though it's suppose to be 60-70 because I like more amber.. which I'm hearing now is thc breaking down into cbn.

I would like to run some autos outdoors.. because we don't have much of a season here... I'm sure its not much different in MI unless your a Yooper :)

a good site for finding out about strains that I love is http://en.seedfinder.eu/
two awesome looking CBD strains that I want to try are Pennywise by TGA ( sub cool) http://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Pen ... ool_Seeds/

and this http://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Can ... _Genetics/ or anything by that company.. they all sound good.

https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/ has both of those in their bank plus many others... I have ordered a few times thru them and never once had a problem.. I always just send cash certified mail and wait 15-20 days for it to arrive... that's not bad for going across the pond and back.
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Great info. Still haven't decided what to grow next. Still have 7 seeds from last order, but wanted to grow something for pain relief that doesn't get you to high. Then theres cloning which I need to try too.

I am not a Yooper. I'm from southern Michigan near Battle Creek
LED Maniac
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Having to manually control and adjust pH twice a day sounds like hell to me. The first couple of weeks of the first grow, when you're marveling the beauty of nature a couple of times a day anyhow, might still look alright. But not being able to be away from the house for more than 12 hours for three, four months? And when growing becomes a habit, not going out - ever? I'd highly recommend either getting yourself already now an automated pH adjuster (those aren't cheap) if you plan on continuing with aeroponics or switching to a different growing technique for future grow cycles.

(As for the pH, growing in coco/hydro the recommendation is to keep it at 5.8 with range going around 5.5-6.5. Perhaps with aeroponics it's different, but otherwise I'd try to keep the pH closer to the middle of the range. Also: is the air bubbler necessary? I'm guessing the micro-droplets are aerated enough as it is, and it only contributes to pH going up.)
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That problem was corrected a while ago when I raised the PPM level above 600, It's stable now. I try to keep PH at 5.8. The air stone probably isn't necessary, but as you also put a fan on your plants to provide co2, I also wanted a way to provide fresh oxygen to the plant roots
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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If you're good then it's all good. I'm just giving you a heads up that in the long run small nuisances become a pain, and that anything you can do to simplify and automate pays off. My personal quest is towards complete automation of everything besides plant training and potting :ugeek:
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