My first grow "the stinky little girl"

The fruits of our labor. We welcome all types of plants, but grows posted here must be legal.
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LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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Jack 47 Auto Fem, the stinky little girl.
This was the first time in my almost 60 years that I ever grew anything. It was a total cock-up from start to finish. I have a list as long as my arm of things to do different next time. One, is to wait for happy cannabis day before my next grow. I had the city trying to get into my house to change out the water meter to the remote reading type. Did I mention the stinky little girl?
She only grew to 11” tall in coco/perlite and delivered 7 grams of frosty bud, 3 grams of frosty sugar leaves.
She was a beautiful frosty little girl.
I love my light! Performed like a champ. She runs cool and steady. A good low power grow. See the build here.
Finale build inventory 4 strips 5000k, 12 strips 4000k, 12 strips 3000k. HLG-185H-24A. Frame will hold 16 strips when fully loaded.

With another grow or two I hope to have the plant part sorted out.

Did I mention the stinky little girl? This plant, 4” tall, right at 3 weeks, when she started showing her sex, all the way to 5 weeks when stretch was about done reeked. If I got within 3 feet it would gag me, within 2 feet my eyes would burn! Without a filter it is definitely a summer girl.

Believe it or not, this is 4” tall, starting off the 1st 3 weeks with 5000k kept her short. No lst required or possible.
But it was worth it in the end, at 68 days she gave some wicked stuff. Now that I know my tap water works will rip 2 plants my next grow :)

Here is a snip from a review about this plant.

“If you don't have good filtration carbon filter yadda yadda be warned now. Smells more powerful than a skunks ass rubbed in pepper and is that powerful.” :lol:
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LED Lover
LED Lover
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I like the copper frame for your light ! None of my plants have been very stinky... yet.
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