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Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:30 am
by schmebulock
girls are looking real healthy @or_gro

i've been busy on my end:

1. CDLC nearly done (today is day 67)
2. Forum Stompers will probably need more time than CDLC
3. new seeds are popping! Durban Poison is my next grow with a buddy of mine
4. built new buckets w/ water level indicators on the outside
5. built a 4 pod seedling bubbler bucket

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:32 am
by Or_Gro
Frank Cannon wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:35 am
I'm an Oregan...

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:06 pm
by Rocket Soul
schmebulock wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:30 am
girls are looking real healthy @or_gro

i've been busy on my end:

1. CDLC nearly done (today is day 67)
2. Forum Stompers will probably need more time than CDLC
3. new seeds are popping! Durban Poison is my next grow with a buddy of mine
4. built new buckets w/ water level indicators on the outside
5. built a 4 pod seedling bubbler bucket

Very interested in how Durban Poison turns out. They say its a strain with high THCV hich is something ive been looking into for private stash. Please tag me if you post it :)

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:06 pm
by Or_Gro
Day 19: Last day before game on:

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:12 pm
by Or_Gro
Or_Gro wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:18 am
Or_Gro wrote:
Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:07 pm
Busyass day yesterday...gonna need some real sleep soon...been on a tractor all week, cept yesterday, a rainday...

Nuff whinin...

288 tent completely done, cept for plants, water bubblin away, will pH and nute later today.

96elite tent (the one w the clones) just needs dwc lines, stones, buckets switched out.

Prawn light tent should be done by tonight, cept for plants.

Final bucket setup:

Initial floor setup of each tent (heater & humidifiers tbd, depending on conditions):
Lights up and workin in all three tents, buckets running in all three tents, but still need to do dwc change out in the one with the clones, ro’ing the day water right now for that.

Had a little scare, as i was clamping the crossbars on the light fixture, a pair of prawn’s boards took a magnificent swan-like platform dive from the high platform (let’s call it 5 ft) my Irish friends say, the fookers are tuff...a slight bend in the frame holding the pair together, but even after such a massive bellyflop, they’re back on the job burning their way to china.

Sisters are cookin with gas right now..,so i’m gonna transplant them, see how they look the next day...before topping. Prob transplant them sunday morning; get the buckets to steady pH and nuted at current/less rate going into topping; lightwise, currently running 18:6 @ ~400ppfd, prob drop it to 300-350.

Soon as they’re ready, top; when laterals take off bump ec and ppfd; start training 1st two mains; and start uva/b acclimation.
Recalibrated all pH meters, lights running, dialing in environmental controllers, pH stabilizing, will nute later today.

T minus 20hrs...

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:16 pm
by Marine2143
Aloha & are you using too much cal-mag? it looks like you may have a K problem? Too much Ca & Mg will lock your K up tight. ... guide-n671

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:53 pm
by Or_Gro
Marine2143 wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:16 pm
Aloha & are you using too much cal-mag? it looks like you may have a K problem? Too much Ca & Mg will lock your K up tight. ... guide-n671
I doubt there is a cal-mag lockout, there is only 1 mL in 3-3.5 gals of ro’d water per 4 plant bucket.

But they are slurping the nutes, 0.6 ec two days ago down to 0.3 this morning, re-upped them to 0.7; so more likely, if they have a nute issue, it is due to that.

Tomorrow they go into new buckets, initially set to 0.4 ec, technaflora veg mix. If no major shock issues, they’ll get most foliage removed a day later, that’s why i’m going with lower nute soon as they recover from topping/defol i’ll start ramping again.

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:01 am
by Or_Gro
Or_Gro wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:12 pm
Or_Gro wrote:
Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:18 am
Or_Gro wrote:
Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:07 pm
Busyass day yesterday...gonna need some real sleep soon...been on a tractor all week, cept yesterday, a rainday...

Nuff whinin...

288 tent completely done, cept for plants, water bubblin away, will pH and nute later today.

96elite tent (the one w the clones) just needs dwc lines, stones, buckets switched out.

Prawn light tent should be done by tonight, cept for plants.

Final bucket setup:

Initial floor setup of each tent (heater & humidifiers tbd, depending on conditions):
Lights up and workin in all three tents, buckets running in all three tents, but still need to do dwc change out in the one with the clones, ro’ing the day water right now for that.

Had a little scare, as i was clamping the crossbars on the light fixture, a pair of prawn’s boards took a magnificent swan-like platform dive from the high platform (let’s call it 5 ft) my Irish friends say, the fookers are tuff...a slight bend in the frame holding the pair together, but even after such a massive bellyflop, they’re back on the job burning their way to china.

Sisters are cookin with gas right now..,so i’m gonna transplant them, see how they look the next day...before topping. Prob transplant them sunday morning; get the buckets to steady pH and nuted at current/less rate going into topping; lightwise, currently running 18:6 @ ~400ppfd, prob drop it to 300-350.

Soon as they’re ready, top; when laterals take off bump ec and ppfd; start training 1st two mains; and start uva/b acclimation.
Recalibrated all pH meters, lights running, dialing in environmental controllers, pH stabilizing, will nute later today.

T minus 20hrs...
Lights, pH, nutes on-target; working vpd now.

Prawn Tent:
288 Tent:
96 Tent:

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:20 am
by Marine2143
Aloha & Plant nutrition is an interesting area. I see you are using a Canadian brand. Do you know M. Edward Muckle the self proclaimed father of BC Hydroponics? We used to have long conversations about iron levels in the 1980s. He did write one of the first DIY books on mixing hydro notes DIY.

Re: Or_Gro and the epic smackdown

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:28 am
by Or_Gro
Marine2143 wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:20 am
Aloha & Plant nutrition is an interesting area. I see you are using a Canadian brand. Do you know M. Edward Muckle the self proclaimed father of BC Hydroponics? We used to have long conversations about iron levels in the 1980s. He did write one of the first DIY books on mixing hydro notes DIY.
Haven’t had the pleasure, technaflora nutes came with my Supercloset file cabinet, they have worked well for me...what ain’t broke....

Interesting you should mention iron, cuz these came outta the cloner with severe iron deficiency.....