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Re: Advice

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:41 am
by unkle_psycho
Oh dear. Beginnings are often chaotic. Perfection in curing or any other field will take a moment, but I would suggest that hard bumps at the start will make your future successes even sweeter. And they are sure to come if you stick to it.

There can be a certain frustration when you know something is simple, but still fail. Problems when starting to grow anything mainly stem from plant care being quite alien to modern people, rather then difficult. It's a different time frame then what we are used to, and there is a fair deal of 'magic' involved.

I thought I was an amazing grower, good results in my cupboard, and I won the best garden of the year competition of our capital twice in a row. Then in Asia someone gave me perhaps 100 orchids, and the more I tried to take care of them, the worse they got. Finally I went on a 10 day work trip, and when I came back everything looked magnificent. I had understood the actions I was supposed to do, but I had just done too much of everything.

Hope you have a great summer, and have better luck in the autumn. One thing worth trying (next time), is having a few more seeds and plants then you need, and perhaps finally just selecting the best ones to flower. Maximize your chances of success.

Re: Advice

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:24 pm
by Tassetapir
Growing outdoors have been very hard where i live (Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Nobelprice founder Anders Nobel, aviici, Abba, yeah, greatest country of them all!).

But the last couple of years ppl have been lurking around outside looking for a good spot. When the autos came!

So during a summer here u can get good crop outdoors using autos and early strains.

When it comes to germ seeds. Back in the days i allways did like this:
2 x plates
Coffee filter
Put filter on the plats, fold the Coffee filter so it contains the seed. Put some more filter on top. Spray some water or drip some, it should be kinda moist. Place the other plates uppsidedown at the first one, like a lid. And put somewhere dark and a couple of °C warmer then normal roomtemperature.

Wait 1-3 days and The seed has sprout a tap.
Carefully handle the seed, u do not want to break the little thing comming out from the seed. Plant in pot. And, since this is autos. Do not change pot during the cykle. U decide at first wich pot ure going to FINNISH in. And use that right away. So notting like plant in small pot for seedling, got roots, bigger pot. Realise later on it has potential, u change pot again! This is not good. If anyone wonder why iil explain.

Ive heard fine things about royal queen seeds autoflowers. They are supposed to have good genetics, given the right care and doing it serious they are supposed to grow into real big bushes if grown outside!

Ive seen a couple of RQS autos in a more like not serious, just for fun, just to have goodlooking and smelling flowers stadig around among the other tomatoes and shit.

But after what ive seen and also heard from others. The northern lights auto is very good, so are also the jack herrer. Grow and Flowering as a beast!

Re: Advice

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:29 am
by unkle_psycho
There are a lot of cool autos out there. Personally I would suggest anyone should be having the best results with seeds that are selected for your environment, so while royal queen makes great seeds, scandinavians might want to collect their own, and keep breeding.
Great traits do get added )(from outside) over time, but even if you breed in traits from warmer, drier regions, it usually takes a few generations before the necessary hardiness has spread into a useful form, that can withstand the wet autumns and occasional cold spells.

There are problems at both ends of the scandi 'summer'. In the spring warmth comes fast, but it takes up to 5 weeks before soils are warmed up enough that roots would really want to dig in.
For the last 3-4 years there have been freezing weeks in june/ july, but long semi warm autumns, so the genetics that thrive around 10-15c work well.

For outside in scandinavia I would say never sprout your seeds inside, you will just have to water it all the time when its used to being pampered. Just put the seeds in the ground and they will adapt best, hopefully also to the local soil, which will give big plants.

There are huge differences between autos, and how much replanting etc. they can handle. Best way to do it is with smart pots, like paper, peat, or fabric pots, so they don't need to be pulled out from their old pots.
Even inside you are damaging the seed when you move it out of a tissue. In microscopic photos the sprouted seed does not look like there is a single root coming out, there are huge networks of microscopic roots that don't show to the human eye.