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Gh Flora added Grow first

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:51 pm
by kunkgrow
Sup guys,
was too stoned and when doing my daily maintenance added Grow first to the 10 gallon rez.

​​​​​​​25ml grow/micro/bloom
25ml calimagic
6ml mammoth p
40ml hydroguard

Should I dump and start over?

Re: Gh Flora added Grow first

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:44 pm
by Whitwoods
I would think you’d be fine, how’d it turn out?

Re: Gh Flora added Grow first

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:16 pm
by majorana
You mean adding Grow before Ca/Mg? Don't stress about it.

The only issue is making sure not to dump all your nutrients together, in a way that the different ions end up forming salts. (Which aren't terrible, but simply go unavailable to the plant.) The order isn't that critical, but making sure to give the rez a stir after each "ingredient" is a good habit to keep.

I gather you're using GH: you might want to Google for Lucas formula. Any little thing that makes growing simpler is worth trying. (Which is also why I'll be moving to Canna -- for a 1:1 ratio between nutrient solutions.)

Re: Gh Flora added Grow first

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:00 am
by Tony
majorana wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:16 pm
Which is also why I'll be moving to Canna -- for a 1:1 ratio between nutrient solutions.
Link to a Canna grow please.

Re: Gh Flora added Grow first

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:34 am
by majorana
Tony wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:00 am
Link to a Canna grow please.
It's a Dutch company, but I believe they also export to the New World:

The 1:1 mix ratio is good for two reasons. First, when feeding manually you have one less thing to think about. While I initially enjoyed the feeling of being a lab technician working thru the changing charts of General Hydroponics, that quickly wore off. Then came Lucas formula -- two elements, fixed 2:3 ratio if I remember right -- but anything that can be simplified should be simplified. The second advantage of a 1:1 ratio is that when moving towards automation (my dream goal) that means it can be handled by a peristaltic pump to adjust the nutrient level with less fussing about.

As far as the contents, there's no magic in any nutrient formula, they're all effectively speaking the same (with obvious differences between formulas for hydro, coco, and soil.)