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Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:52 am
by Lainah05
I have asthma for almost 2 months now, it starts when we have sports fest in our school. While we are playing truck and field I feel something in my chest, I'm having a hard time to breathe and I feel dizzy that time. Our coach told us that it's better for me to try swimming because it will help me to breathe clearly. But my friend told me to try marijuana instead of swimming. Along the way, i came across this https://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.c ... ring-seeds that MJ can help me to reduce my hard time breathing. I don't know who will I listen to. Has anyone tried marijuana as an alternative medicine for illness? Can somebody help me with my problem? Thanks in advance.

Re: Asthma

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:27 am
by unkle_psycho
I have a little knowledge about cannabis as a medicine, but not too much about cannabis and asthma.

When I was young my best friend had a very bad asthma, and his doctor told him to try to smoke marihuana to help. My friend grew a few plants, and mostly collected a few leaves a day and smoked them pure without any tobacco mixed in. His asthma was already gone by the time his plant finished flowering, and never came back. This was 25y ago. He probably never stopped smoking cannabis, but I think since his asthma disappeared he mixed his weed with tobacco in the European style.

There are alternative medicine systems that have great results with removing asthma through diet, such as Ayurveda. Also there are substances like the cordyceps mushroom which increase your VO2 max, so you breath normally but your lungs uptake more oxygen... Thats why Olympic athletes take it for training and competition.

Re: Asthma

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:42 am
by unkle_psycho
A quick google search suggests that all types of cannabis varieties can help, so if you don't want to be intoxicated you might want to look for high cbd strains, or even industrial hemp strains.

Here's a study where it really helpped: ... /bph.12597

Here they discuss how cannabis is a inflamatory condition, and cannabis is anti-inflamatory. It is true, but inflamatory condition basicly means caused by lifestyle. If you switch to an anti-inflamatory diet the symptoms would likely disappear in a day or two, like with ayurvedic programs. ... rk-so-well

Asthma in traditional medicine is a condition caused by the element of Air/cold/dry, so if you use cannabis to treat it, my personal suggestion would be to vape or eat the cannabis... while cannabis calms this element, smoke destabilizes it, so you would get more medical benefit without the smoking.

Re: Asthma

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:22 pm
by ∞∞∞
I wouldn't recommend smoking anything if you have asthma, but a nice vaporizer rig with a hydrator would provide smooth, clean, cool hits. You may also want to look into concentrates.

High CBD strains are a must for inflammatory conditions. This year I grew a strain that is roughly 2:1, as well as some high CBD hemp. I use it to treat all 3 of my chronic diseases.

The key to treating yourself with cannabis is taking high doses. I am aiming for 1g pure CBD per day, which is on the low end of my goals. Of course the trick is producing enough to keep up.

As far as diets go, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food".

Re: Asthma

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:54 am
by Tickles the ɯılʞɯɐu
Ok, i might have some knowledge that may help you.

I would think using capsules of RSO oil may be what your looking for.
Smoking is not an option if you want relief.

RSO is quite easy to make.

Get an ounce of trim/Bottoms/Buds.
Buy 5 litre of Isopropyl (can be bought on ebay or amazon quite cheaply).
A few syringes will help, as will empty gel capsules. (Both cheap on amazon and ebay)

(Youtube search - making rso oil)

Can make it in a steel pan.
Bake the trim/bud in the oven at round 140 for 30mins (This activates the THC from the THCA)
Then but trim/bud into a sealable jar, cover with isopropyl, and shake the jar for 3-4mins, then filter into your pan via coffee filters (Be patient at this point). Using the filter removes waxes and lipids, leaving just cannabinoids i.e. thc, cbd, cbn etc etc

When you have all the mixture filtered, run any remaining isopropyl over the trim/bud again, and shake for 3-4mins then filter the liquid again into the first run of liquid.

At a very low heat, heat the isopropyl mixture on the hob, be very careful as it very flammable, use a fan blowing directly over the pan to blow any fumes away from the heat.

Isopropyl boils off quite quickly as it has lower boiling temp than water.

When a small amount is left in the pan, maybe a teaspon or 2 or liquid, splash 4 or 5 drops of water into the pan, as water is higher boiling point, when last bubbles appear in the black oil remains left in the pan, it means all solvents have been boiled off as water will be the last to bubble away.

The time limit of shaking the mixture for 3-4mins is so that you do not get to much if any chlorophyl in the final product, after 3-4mins, the solvent pulls the chlorophyl out its important to stick to the 3-4mins.

At the point of no more bubble and a sense of pungent smoke in the air, then its complete.
Whilst still hot, suck into syringes and store till needed.

1ml = 1gram of oil, if done right you should hit maybe 50%THC, 2-5%CBD + other small amounts of useful cannabinoids.
Out of the ounce of trim/bud you should hit maybe 4-7grams of oil, depending on strain used.

Ok, thats the oil made.
We can use it neat, tiny amount, maybe half grain of rice size. under the tongue and let the body absorb it.
However, the body seems to waste some oil as it cannot process it all in its current form.
So we need to mix it with another carrier oil. Butter, olive oil, veg oil, coconut oil are all good carriers.
Carriers will help the body absorb all the canna oil into our bodys, so mixing it with any of the above is hugely beneficial.

Doses recommended....
If you a seasoned stoner, then i would go for 1gram/1ml of oil split over 20 capsules.
A once in a while stoner or someone needing some pain relief then i would split 1gram/1ml of oil into 30 capsules.
If just a maintenance dose required then, 1gram/1ml of oil into 40-60 capsules.

Easy to do the maths on the capsule size if you google to content size of capsules.
i.e. i use size4 capsules, which contain 0.2ml

So if making a 20capsule mixture, id add 1ml of RSO oil and then add say Olive Oil at 3ml.
When mixing just warm in microwave for 30seconds or few mins in a cup sat in a hot-water bath, combine the mixture when warm and add to each capsule.

(Strong/quite stoney) 20 caps = 1ml RSO & 3ml Olive Oil (Or other carrier oil at same amount)
(Mild/Light headiness)30 caps = 1ml RSO & 5ml Olive Oil
(Very Mild) 40 caps = 1ml RSO & 7ml Olive Oil
(Very Very Mild) 60 caps = 1ml RSO & 11ml Olive Oil

All 4 of the above doses will help a number of ailments, just depends on tolerance to what dose is good for you.

I know of a brain tumour patient whos taking 0.3ml of RSO a day and has been for the past 6months or so. They are due a scan in the next few weeks. Last scan was showing great improvement according to a family member. Only 12 weeks after surgery up and about at home, cooking and doing basic chores.

Hope this helps in some way, if any other pointers needed, let me know. I can point you in the direction of info regarding RSO oil and if needed i can point you in the direction of a help group who can maybe supply the oil to you.