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Mg deficient? What do you guys think?

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:59 pm
by Steveb123321
WW started what looked to me like Mg defficiency on lower leaves.

I had stopped giving it CaliMagic (CaMg) a for a while so I started back on it (using Flora nutes in dirt 60% perlite). Got worse over next 2 feedings instead of better.

I flushed down to ~300PPM and immediatly chased 1 gal @ 300PPM Bloom w/Cali and 2ml 30% H2O2.
PH of runoff always between 6.4-6.7 (feed between 6.4-6.5)

Still no better. What do you guys think? Starting to wonder if it is something else, N or K def?
I'll probably use some wood stove ashes in place of PH up for next bit to see if that helps.

Re: Mg deficient? What do you guys think?

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:06 pm
by QuantumMechanic
The bottom has the classic look of Mg deficiency. How much CaliMagic were you using?

Usually folks that grow in soil don't use H2O2 as it will kill the beneficial bacteria. I use it in my hydro storage tank, but only at 1 ml/gallon. What are you using it for?

Re: Mg deficient? What do you guys think?

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:46 pm
by Steveb123321
I used the H2O2 to oxygenate after flush.

2ml/gal both for Cali and H2O2. Cali every few waterings and H2O2 infrequently (overwatering or after flush).

This is her neighbor, she gets similarly treated and she's much happier.

Re: Mg deficient? What do you guys think?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:14 am
by Breed
It does look like mg. My call would to go higher and more frequent on the cal mag after a big dose after it dries out a bit. Not sure why you are using H202 either. Are they the same strains? Good luck.

Re: Mg deficient? What do you guys think?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:14 am
by Steveb123321
@breed - Sorry for not replying. I forgot password for site, tried to reset and gave up.

The strains were not the same. Problem strain was WW from cropking. The other was king tut from pyramid seeds. Love the Tut.