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First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:56 am
by Hyakutak

This is my first grow, and my first grow journal!

I'm currently growing in a 3x3 tent, under my DIY 320 watt F-series lamp.

I have 6 plants & 3 different strains:

1x Jack flash #5 from sensi seed.
2x White widow from White label
3x Nothern lights from White Label

I'm using soil & nutrients from biobizz:

All-mix soil w/ 1ml per L of Alg-a-mic & 1ml per L of Bio-grow.
Foliar feeding 1ml per L of Alg-a-mic & 1ml per L of Bio-grow every 2 days

Temperature around 26C / 78F during lights on and 20C / 68F during lights off.
Humidity from 50% to 60%.

I want to do a Scrog but I just can't top them, each time I grab the scisor, I just ... CAN'T. My heart is melting :lol: :oops: :cry:
Also, I'm already at the 8-10th node, so maybe it's a too late?

I had a little problem with my heater going crazy (40C / 104F in the box) and burning the low leaves of 2-3 of my plant

I'm currently at 51 days of veg w/ 7 litters, 2 gallons pots(Just switched from 18/6 to 20/4 some days ago):


Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:24 pm
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing how this strip light does!

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:13 pm
by sdfoster22
Nice. What spectrum is your build?

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:10 pm
by Hyakutak
This build is 3500k (Will add some pics of the light later).

But I'm planning some major improvements.

During the next month, I will have 6 clones of the same strain & 3 grow space and I will conduct a little experiment w/ 3 lamps:

1 white led lamp
1 white led lamp + supplemental red (660) (10% of white power in red)
1 white led lamp + far red led to induce flowering & try 14/10 flowering cycle.

The thing is, I don't really know how to conduct this experiment correctly to have correct results.

My final goal is to build 20x 500 watts (4x 4" f series strip) lamps. And I want to check if adding 660 red can improve the grow & if far red can reduce dark time during flowering.

But right now I only have one 500 watt lamp to do this test & I don't want to invest in 3 more 500w lamps without further testing. So I want to use one strip (100W) for two clones. But if 4 strip is enough light for 4x4 and light intensity isn't playing a role in the grow (without additional co2), this is only the spectrum who can be improved. But with only 1 strip, I'm probably not blocked with the intensity (I sadly don't own a quantum meter...). So maybe adding red will just help in the intensity & not in the spectrum and my test won't be meaningful. I can try to have the same wattage of white + red and white only. But this won't be the case in my final lamp.

I don't really know how to articulate this experiment to make it right without buying 2 more lamps. If you have ideas, they are more than welcomed!

To get the best spectrum as possible, I'm trying to copy the PhysioSpec Indoor of Fluence

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:33 pm
by Hyakutak

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:25 pm
by sdfoster22
It's worth a shot. The only way i could think of doing a good comparison would be to build a strip light using 1 foot strips on the second light, and replacing some red to white ratio that way. If you were going to throw some of the Emerson effect in there some of those lights are only on for say 30 mins. Those really wouldn't matter imo?

Just make sure you have the conditions exactly the same for each tent. Document all nutes and problems down to the last detail, and choose a stable strain so all plants have the same basic overall pattern.

Otherwise I look forward to this grow!

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:40 pm
by FlippyNips
I started my first grow a couple of weeks before you and my plants looked similar but worse, yellowing, small brown spots and patches mainly lower leaves but not all. The main cause was the way I was watering, too frequently, didn't get run off every time, and not much when I did, wasn't letting the soil dry enough between watering. Now I've sorted all that they are looking really good. I started letting the soil dry so much it shrunk and was loose in the pot and getting good run off every time.

Are you getting a good amount of run off when you water? I've been aiming for 10-20% so if I water 2 litres I get 200-400ml run off.

Is the soil dry when you water?

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:55 pm
by Hyakutak
I don't think I have a watering problem. As I said in my top post, my heater went crazy and my grow tent went up to 104F / 40 C (probably more on the leaves) during one night. Since that, they're growing a little slower, but I think they're recovering well!
If you were going to throw some of the Emerson effects in there some of those lights are only on for say 30 mins. Those really wouldn't matter imo?
I won't work with the Emerson effect during this growing experiment. The Emerson effect is a mix of 680 + 700 nm red (for cannabis, some plant can use the Emerson effect with higher far red). Here, I will have 680 + 730. And 730 will be after light off.

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:39 pm
by unkle_psycho
Just looking at the photo, I would have guessed that you had too much blue light... but that does not seem to be the case. Are you in a very dry climate?

Re: First Grow journal - 320W - 3X3 - Organic

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:43 pm
by Hyakutak
Maybe I should dime down my light a bit... My plants are very bushy. The environment isn't dry, the humidity is always between 50 & 60%.

I'm waiting for my Apogee SQ-520, so I will do some testing!