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Re: Get uni-seals they said, it will be fun they said.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:52 am
by WhiteRecluse
But isn't having identical clones on different nutrient regimens more comprehensive and conclusive? Maybe I misunderstood and you were doing just that, using multiple strains on multiple regimens. If so, that is genius.

Re: Get uni-seals they said, it will be fun they said.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:49 pm
by Marine2143
Aloha & we did nutrient research using undercurrent systems too. The single systems are great for doing side by sides. You can DIY 5-27 gallon units on the cheap. We used Dr. Harry Mills Lab and tissue and solution analysis.

Re: Get uni-seals they said, it will be fun they said.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:32 am
by Breed
WhiteRecluse wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:42 am
I've had the buckets bubbling in a test area for almost 24 hours now. I've resituated the buckets 4 or 5 times and so far so good. I've heard good things about them compared to bulkeads so that's why I went this route. Are you still using them Breed or did you go another route?
Breed wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:25 am
Uni-Seals bite. I used them my first grow and besides the ass kicking getting everything set up mine would leak if I bumped and moved a bucket around a little--
I went to bulkheads. I do use a small set up though where I can mix and match 5 gallon buckets. Four at the most with one reservoir. Uni-seals weren't awful and never caused a major problem. It was when I went to set them up a second time they were having trouble getting them not to leak. It would also leak during res changes if I moved the system a little after I filled it back up. It would be a minor drip and more of an nuisance than anything. I sleep better at night now knowing my uni-seal isn't slowly dripping.

Re: Get uni-seals they said, it will be fun they said.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:18 pm
by WhiteRecluse
Thanks for the reply. I was using the same old system for years with bulkheads and 3 gallon buckets. I loved it but would end up cutting the veg short because my roots would fill the bucket before I filled my space. I had a few leaks with bulkheads but could always make it stop by making them tighter.