Samsung LMl301H "ONE"

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LED Maniac
LED Maniac
Posts: 328
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:10 pm

Valoya Cannabis spectrum 4.6k 24% blue? "Valoya's spectra are a culmination of long term rigorous testing for their effect on cannabis against traditional lighting technologies such as high pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide (MH) or fluorescent lights. After having tested more than 60 LED spectra, Valoya brings to the market its latest innovation, Valoya Canna+, which has been designed around a spectrum optimized for professional cannabis cultivation. The cannabis sativa specific spectrum, which includes wavelengths beyond the PAR area (400-700 nm) such as far-red and UV-A, is the widest spectrum currently available on the market. The range encompasses radiation between 380 and 780 nanometers and breaks down into 1% ultraviolet (< 400 nm), 24% blue (400-500 nm), 34% green (500-600 nm), 38% red (600-700 nm), and 3% far-red (700-800 nm)."
LED Wizard
LED Wizard
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You posted a video where the researcher from valoya actually described the trial that led him to select the ns1 spectrum. He put a clone under each spectrum and felt that the NS1 would be best 'for some production methods'.
All yield claims were led vs HPS, not relating to their lights.

I thought the age old mantra with cannabis was red for yield, blue for quality?
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
Posts: 328
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:10 pm

Aloha & in the past we used metal halides and ceramic metal halide to keep the Sativa like plants from stretching. When we wanted more stretch on the Indica types we added more HPS. The PL Lighting original light recipe in Cannabis Castle in The Netherlands the ratio of HPS to Metal Halide was 3 to 1. Even with this primitive lighting we were growing two foot long donkey dicks indoors of NL #5 in 1985. Does anyone here have access to the conference proceedings of this recent Greentech Dutch horticulture show? ... -greentech
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