HLG-480H-24B Dual Bus?

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A meanwell HLG-480H-24B driver has two output leads which I assume run on separate buses?

The light I'm building will be split in two, with 11 Samsung LT-F562B strips on each side - needed to transport the light but also one side running only for the initial grow.

If I only use one of the buses will it be overpowered?
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Jolly Green Giant
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good question... I've been on a hiatus.. so welcome! 😁

quick answer.. No, you'll be fine running half on one output..

with those dual output drivers.. they work as if it was two half the size built in the same case... so instead of 1 480w 24v 20A driver.. it's really 2 240w 24v 10A drivers in one, each with it's own output.. just hook up 11 strips to one set.. and cap off the other set.. then when your ready... add the other 11 strips to the capped off outputs..

dimming will still work as intended.. 10-100% since its B type 😁

our host LG was going to make a video about the dual output drivers on his YouTube.... it might be in the 4 part mean well drivers series on there... I can't remember it's been awhile..

again welcome 😁
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Jolly Green Giant wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:08 pm
with those dual output drivers.. they work as if it was two half the size built in the same case... so instead of 1 480w 24v 20A driver.. it's really 2 240w 24v 10A drivers in one, each with it's own output..
Are you sure about this? I thought the dual outputs are merely tied together internally. This dual-driver-single-case idea doesn't make sense when you look at the efficiency gain when going larger. The hlg-240 driver is up to 93.5% efficient whereas the 480 is 95%. Simply doubling up the drivers would not make them more efficient, it'd be the same efficiency.
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Jolly Green Giant
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Shimbob wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:24 pm
Jolly Green Giant wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:08 pm
with those dual output drivers.. they work as if it was two half the size built in the same case... so instead of 1 480w 24v 20A driver.. it's really 2 240w 24v 10A drivers in one, each with it's own output..
Are you sure about this? I thought the dual outputs are merely tied together internally. This dual-driver-single-case idea doesn't make sense when you look at the efficiency gain when going larger. The hlg-240 driver is up to 93.5% efficient whereas the 480 is 95%. Simply doubling up the drivers would not make them more efficient, it'd be the same efficiency.
Nope I'm backwards on that.. it's been awhile lol

now looking back thru I've found other posts on A types of these drivers

what your saying makes sense... I mixed up in my head.. instead of being two in one... the dual leads are tied together.. it's just to split the amperage up so you don't blow connections..

with that being the case.. you should be able to hook all 11 ( 5 to one set of leads 6 to the other) and run it... the max the strip can handle x 11 strips and the driver max are basically the same... 11 at 100% = 19.8A the driver is 20A... just keep it under 75% so they don't run to warm..

then add the others later..
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Many thanks for the info...

That's going to be a bit of a pain, but glad to know I've got a definitive way to go. I did buy a 2 pin plug/socket to connect the two sides of the array - I'll have to up that to a 4 pin.

Time to replan the wiring layout, and possibly buy a few more Wagos to do the wiring connections.
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While I've got your attention about the LED driver... I intend to wire the 22 LED strips in parallel - would that be correct? I'm confused as the driver is stated to be CV/CC combined mode!

I'm working on an extended version of a 4' x 4' build that had 16 strips in parallel (extended to 22 strips, using the strip LED calculator to confirm extension) - using a build recommendation from this page...

http://ledgardener.com/diy-led-strip-bu ... #more-2416
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