Photos Being Used to sell on Alibaba

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I was reading the "Samsung LM561C Strip Build" post and did a little google searching to see if I could find the roll version of the LM561Cs mentioned in the "builds by readers" section. I ended up coming across a product page on alibaba and it looks like they stole a bunch of photos from here, watermarked them and are using them to sell their product. Not sure what can be done about it, but just a heads up. ... 21723.html
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Hey there.

Somebody had mentioned this awhile back and I emailed the seller to see if they’d remove the pictures. The dude actually responded back and told me he would remove them if I pointed out all the offending pics. I didn’t expect that response but it was still a pain in the ass to go through and describe them somehow,!so I never followed through. It’s in my to-do list.

Thanks for bringing this back to my attention :)
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That's an Alibaba supplier I will definitely not be doing any business with.
LED Enthusiast
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I don't believe that you can buy real 561C from Alibaba or ebay - most likely counterfits. I think someone on RIU ended up with a batch of very questionable chips - but you get what you pay for...
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It’s too bad it’s practically impossible to tell what you’re getting.
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Jolly Green Giant
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admin wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:47 pm
It’s too bad it’s practically impossible to tell what you’re getting.
exactly why I will never order for Alibaba or eBay! I'm sure there are a few good deals.. but I'm not spending the time to dig thru a thousand fake junk things for sale to find the one that is real!
LED Maniac
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Where do you think ChilLED and HLG get their COBs/strips/PCBs?

(I'll save you the guess work: Alibaba)
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Jolly Green Giant
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like I said... I'm sure there are good deals on Alibaba... I refuse to search thru 99% junk to find 1 good item... if they want to sort thru it and then resell it to us I'm fine with it..
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