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New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:14 am
by Zmanzz
Hello all. i just ordered my first QB HLG 135 v2....but I didnt noticed somehow i had ordered the 4k instead of the 3k as planned for a 2x2 55inch tent.
Should I send it back or will there not be much difference for seed to harvest? Its just a hobby i enjoy as i dont smoke much anymore at all i just enjoy growing the beautiful plant that is now legal in Canada.
I have grown in the past under hps small micro closet grows nothing big this 2x2 is a size up from before.
My concern is i still want quality. Or am i over thinking this 3 vs 4k too much and just use it.
I have a green thumb things just grow for me i grew up on a farm so im not concerned with my ability just the lights as these new QB and spectrums are all new mumbo jumbo to me. I get the basics but feel i dont quite grasp the fine details of the spectrum. To me looking the 4k looks well balanced... im sure im missing something.
Second whats the general rule for distance for seedlings up to flowering. I will be growing autos for a bit(they just pique my interest but i will fall back on photos) plan on 2 at a time but i will want to start seeds 3 weeks from end of the two coming out or so so i dont waste turnaround time.
Sure there will be more questions ill continue here as they pop up.
Sorry for the ramble its just late and im overthinking the 4 vs 3 k light inhave coming. Probably looking for assurance it will grow some quality bud as my little twin 70watt hps rig used to.

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:29 pm
by Jolly Green Giant
welcome to the forum first off,

yeah your over thinking it 😁 there will be slight differences but nothing major... I flowered out my mother pot under a qb 135w 4000k kit.. ( my flower tent is mix of 3500/2700 ) major difference that I noticed, was there was less stretch between internodal spacing.. but quality was pretty much the same..

again welcome to the forum 😁

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:38 pm
by Zmanzz
Cheers mate. I was up all night pondering.
I came o the conclusion i messed up the order for a reason and ill roll with it. Again not worried about production just quality.
Excited to try the Qb either way ill report back with results.
Anything else i should watch with these.
Looking like inshould go 24 inch seedling. Let it grow into the light toma max 18 to 14?

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:55 pm
by Jolly Green Giant
I like to run 24"+ in veg.. especially if switching from a different type of lighting.. ( too much photons too quick will hurt them... )it almost seems like my plants are getting too much light and stay short if I run closer..

in flower I try to run 16-18".. but there's always one that likes to stretch into the light 😄

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 2:45 pm
by Zmanzz
Ya i hear ya. I hated when i didnt have time to check on the babies due to work come home and see one fried trying to grow though the light lol.
Ya im using a mars eco 300 right now a friend lent me babies will need adjusting to the new.... ill start high and let them tell me.
Any tips on setting or dimmming the hgl120 driver? I have also got a killowatt meter.

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 9:12 pm
by Jolly Green Giant
I'm like Steven ( from HLG) I like full power to start.. just hang it a little higher than normal to see how they adjust to it, and work the light down.. some will say start at 50% power at the proper height and slowly bring power up..

both ways work 😁 6 of one, half dozen etc etc 😁

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 9:23 pm
by Zmanzz
Ive always been full power kind of guy. Cheers for the welcome. Looks like i found a new educational site.... too much to toke in :lol:

Re: New to QB questions

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 10:49 am
by Zmanzz
Well it showed up yesterday.... to my surprise it's a 3000k!
They got my email to switch it just as they were loading the truck but never let me know!
Setup was a snap, even with no electrical skills.
Man this thing is BRIGHT.
I had it cranked up running 160 watts for about half hour and the plants were screaming at me.
Turned it down to 80 watts for their first day. Seemed not 100 percent happy but not curled like at first just the odd edge pointing up.
So I have 1 seedling at 24, 2 in veg at 20 and one small in week 3 of flower at 18. Only going to have
Good idea to just increase the wattage daily? How long until switching from poople lights until they like this thing?