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RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:03 am
by PlantBendingMage
I have been watching these guys and they have a lot of new products coming down the pipe in the near future. They will be mentioned in the top 3 once they catch on and fill out their product line a bit. I have bought the 260w niemi led grow light and its a fantastic grow light. they are now working on a RSPEC grow light that compares to the HLG RSPEC grow light, using the same far reed OSRAM 660nm LEDs.
Image ... gust-15th/

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:18 pm

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:06 am
by 0 to 220
This is the most shameless HLG clone I have ever seen. I would expect this kind of light from China because they excel at being shameless, and their concept of copyright is totally different from ours. Now here we have a chicago "company" ( :lol: ), copying not only the design but also the "rspec" name. What the hell is up with that. whatever, I'm sure its a nice light. as far as I know HLG does not have their products copyrighted yet but the last time I heard StephenJ on the GML show he said he was working on it.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:21 am
by 0 to 220
BTW I'll just say it, this reeks of shilling. you say you are about to do your first grow yet you post this same thing on 2 boards; the manufacturer, whom nobody has never even heard of, jumps at this convenient opportunity to advertise their light which is just about to be released. Moreover, in your avatar you have pictures of vegging plants (here) and flowering plants (grasscity), which were obviously not grown by you, since you wrote here on the 11th that your seeds are germinating and this is your first grow. I dont know anybody who would put somebody else's random plants in their avatar.

Then you have a thread where you dimmed your driver a week ago but is that thread really about the question, or is that just a tactic to get these lights on forums while pretending to have questions about them. Whew, I love a good conspiracy, I'm not on grasscity so I can't check the post history there

Just sayin

Maybe Niemi led doesn't want to pay forums for ads so they try like this? "HGL" uses this tactic too

Sorry if this offend you, not my intention nothing personal, just being honest.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:02 pm
by unkle_psycho

From the link:

The Most Efficient Light Spectrum To Date

Using the RSPEC Niemi LED grow light for your indoor grow operation guarantees you are growing with the most efficiency grow light to date.

Sounds a little Chinese to me. I'd say most of the page does not make sense to me. Wish there was a link to the research on spectrum efficiency, and wonder what their guarantee is on being the most efficient grow light? If cutter boards go over 3umol/w what are these things hitting?

And are these guys really acting like they invented something new, when white with a red bump is featured in everything from MARS to HLG? Wonder if there is a single piece of substance in their marketing? 'Red imitates light spectrum of the fall?

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:23 pm
I'm not sure how the law works in the USA but if this happened in Australia and it was one of my products being made as a counterfeit I would have customs seize any shipments made to the rip offs in question. I would then drag them through court and make thier life a nightmare costing them 10s of thousands of dollars.
We can not stop China copying products but we can stop thieves profiting off our intellectual property.
These clowns haven't even attempted to differentiate at all, I doubt they will be around in 6 months so buying from them would be a big risk, they are not much cheaper than the genuine product anyway.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:58 pm
by unkle_psycho
In Finland we have a consumer protection agency, so you don't get to go around and make claims. See a lot of funny stuff in the US. Well, freedom comes at a price I guess.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:02 pm
I read an article about Trump trying to sort it out to protect American companies against this type of fraud. Trump says alot though but doesn't seem to do a lot.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:25 pm
by unkle_psycho
Yeah, it's already complex at a grassroots level, in many aspects I feel our government got it surprisingly right with that department. There are some weired areas like 2nd hand cars where the consumer agency announced that there is always a 6 month warranty for repairs. Pretty much killed some segments of the car sales industry over night.

At a national level between China and the US the complexity overwhelms me. It seems to me many structures previously agreed on no longer please the west, even though we had way more weight during the negotiation of the original contracts. I find it quite natural, as the west embarked on a short term strategy, while China took a more painful long term approach to the project. American corporations made huge profits under the system, in China a larger % went to infrastructure and the common good.
America is already well able to continue globalization without China, and they are also starting to become more aware about the social costs of their short term thinking. But even if those who won from globalization are a minority, they are still the successful minority, so Trump faces serious resistance to anything he does - good or bad. There are articles on the battle between Americas old and new elites.
I kinda assume the real issues discussed behind the scenes are quite different, but it is pretty horrifying to watch the theater side of things. Americans upset when Trump says anything about or to the federal reserve, but expect Trump to order China how their currency should be set. I wonder how America would react to a large trading partner ordering America to change the dollar value? Or how would America react if China started kidnapping Apple executives? Perhaps the domestic resistance to anything Trump does forces him to play some pretty wild hands in those areas he can work freely in. It's certainly not looking like anything going on now would lead to new sensible deals.

Re: RSPEC Deep-Red Niemi LED Grow Light Available August 15th

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 5:29 am
by 0 to 220

These pieces of shit are everywhere @PlantBendingMage such trash. Everything I wrote is 100% as you do it.

edit: this good forum should not have such bad language from myself, but this is an impressive collection of the lowest acts you can perform as advertisers