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what's better?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by kang
Hello everyone,

What is in your opinion the best setup for 2 plants, growspace is 1,2ft x 3 ft

2x 128 pcs lm561 on a mw hlg 120 driver
1x 256 / 300 lm 561 on a mw hlg 120 driver


Re: what's better?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:36 pm
by majorana
Generally speaking, more lights spread out would be better than fewer but more concentrated lights. Better coverage, better heat dissipation. So I'd go with option no.1

Re: what's better?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:58 pm
by kang
thnx for the reply. i checked the ppfd and i' m now hesitating, because i also went for option number 1 at the first place.

if i choose the 2x 128 board the ppfd in the center will be 480 and on the sides of 1x1 about 400, and the sides at 2x2 about 200. this means that each plant would get 480 ppfd in the center and would not lose a lot on the sides. and since I can power 2 128 boards at 60w each, each plant will have 1 board.

If i choose the 1x 256 / 300 board there will be only 1 single board for 2 plants. the center will be 750 ppfd, the sides of the 1x1 will be 640 and the sides of the 2x2 will be 450. i gues that if i would measure ppfd on the 3x3 sides they will be around 200 (same as the 2x2 sides on the 128 board).

So am I thinking right and doesn' t the 256/ 300 board be the best option since they reach the same ppfd at the sides 2x2 as the 128 board in the center. couldn' t i put 2 plants easy under 2x2 or 3x3 256/300 quantum board?

sorry for my english

Re: what's better?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:33 am
by majorana
The PPFD measurements you're referring to were made by somebody else, most probably in a different setting. (The distance to wall, and any reflective material, not to mention height, will all cause results to vary. And that's assuming the same diode driven in the same amount.)

More importantly, when positioning 2x 128 boards you can't simply take the results of 1 such board and place it next to the other. There's overlapping light. More boards spread apart mean less "hot spot" in the center and better results on the sides. The actual PPFD reading will only be the one you can make yourself.

Re: what's better?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 7:27 am
by kang
thanks alot!

I'm gonna try both setups, really curious now (: