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Jimmy Jam
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:13 am

Took me 30 seconds to decide that I need to join and be a part of this great userbase.

I am kicking around ideas for a build down the line and look forward to learning from all of you. The best thing about this forum as a sounding board for build ideas is looking out for each other's SAFETY. My apartment building burned down a couple decades ago because of a neighbor's DIY water distiller, so I'm build-timid.

I have some electrical knowledge but I will refrain from contributing my two cents until I have a respectable build under my belt, I don't want to negatively impact the signal-to-noise ratio.

So I'm here, lurking, learning, dreaming, and loving it.
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Hey JJ,

I heard the rim-shot after your SNR comment... :D :lol: welcome to the forum!
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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Hey Jimmy!

Thanks for signing up :mrgreen:

I agree: safety is very important with these systems; especially since a lot of people are coming into it with very little electrical or electronic experience and some of these systems are very powerful.

My house burned down when I was younger (chimney fire) and I wouldn't wish that on anyone either. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but the experience has certainly changed the way I do things.

Please don't hesitate to share your knowledge - whether or not you've got a build under your belt doesn't matter if the help or commentary you're providing is accurate.

Looking forward to seeing more from you and hopefully a build thread!
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