ChilLED Grow Lights Introduction

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ChilLED Grow Lights
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:46 pm

Hello Members of LEDgardener! We are excited to engage with the passionate members within this community and show support to all the DIYers building lights and growing what they love.

Who are we?

ChilLED Tech offers patented LED lighting technologies to growers of all sizes. Sticking to our DIY roots, our products are designed to be modular in order to accommodate your own unique grow space, while also being available in full kits and fixtures. We are on the cusp of releasing our 3rd generation lighting system under our new product line called “Growcraft”. More information regarding its release can be found on our website blog.

Our History

ChilLED Tech was founded as a result of a DIY project. Vitaly, our founder, was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease in his early adulthood. As a way to combat the symptoms, Vitaly moved to a healthier diet but soon learned the difficulty of acquiring well-grown and fresh fruits and vegetables. This lead to Vitaly re-purposing his basement into his first grow space and with it began his journey of creating the best LED grow lights for his space. The integrity, care, and quality that Vitaly devoted to the growth of his plants seamlessly transferred into crafting lights that achieved impressive PPF, and efficacy results. After Vitaly started observing impressive results like he’d never seen before with his plants, the desire to share his work sprouted into ChilLED Tech. While the team at ChilLED Tech has grown, the mission to advance indoor growing has never been stronger and we will continue to push the envelope of efficacy, efficiency and build quality. Our latest innovation and product line Growcraft boasts even higher efficacy that we know you guys will love so be sure to stay in the loop about the project on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram & now on Twitter!

More information about Growcraft Here: ... -is-coming
If you want to learn more about Vitaly and his story:
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