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Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:45 am
by Harborl
Hello i'm Harborl,
i watched the video on youtube about sensors and automations on home assistant, and as i'm growing with LED and wanted to automate stuff to increse control and efficiency it inspired me and i jumped into raspberry and home assistant. As i started from zero knowledge on the subject i had to watch videos during 3 days just to have an overview of the different parts involved.
Now i'm running un rapberry with home assistant, temperature and humidity sensors, a servo motor who controls the potentiometer of the fan, automated some alerts messages, and run calculation to follow vpd fluctuations. I'm preparing some water sensors to control if i'm flooding the house (i did it weeks ago, nasty) , and relays to control machines.
In the future i would like to control pumps, check EC an pH, control peristaltic pumps with nutrients. I'm growing in an recirculating deep water culture.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:13 am
by Roy933
Hi there!
I'm new here too

Re: Hello!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:46 am
Harborl wrote:
Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:45 am
Hello i'm Harborl,
i watched the video on youtube about sensors and automations on home assistant, and as i'm growing with LED and wanted to automate stuff to increse control and efficiency it inspired me and i jumped into raspberry and home assistant. As i started from zero knowledge on the subject i had to watch videos during 3 days just to have an overview of the different parts involved.
Now i'm running un rapberry with home assistant, temperature and humidity sensors, a servo motor who controls the potentiometer of the fan, automated some alerts messages, and run calculation to follow vpd fluctuations. I'm preparing some water sensors to control if i'm flooding the house (i did it weeks ago, nasty) , and relays to control machines.
In the future i would like to control pumps, check EC an pH, control peristaltic pumps with nutrients. I'm growing in an recirculating deep water culture.
Dang, you're off to a great start! Welcome.