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Hello fellow diy enthousiasts

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:33 pm
by vlaario
Hello everyone ,

After stumbling on this forum i decided to build my own.

Just ordered parts at digikey and cant wait for it to arrive will start a topic when my stuff arrives.

My build is going to be:

50x ... 00-C-B3%20

Paired with

2x ... ND/7704115

This is going to fill a 5x5 with the strips running @ 70%.



Re: Hello fellow diy enthousiasts

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:31 am
by ∞∞∞
Should be a good build. I was considering using those strips for a veg light. I've been using the QB 96 Elite V2's for veg and flowering with good results.