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Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:54 pm
by unkle_psycho
Cant you apply the concept of a lung room? Circulate between two warm spaces?

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:46 pm
by majorana
unkle_psycho wrote:
Sat May 26, 2018 7:54 pm
Cant you apply the concept of a lung room? Circulate between two warm spaces?
That's an interesting idea, I'm already imagining a closed loop of two equally-sized tents... One could even be used to veg... Maybe, just maybe...

But frankly, it's probably best if I grow less. I really don't have anything to do with about 90% of what I grow. As a safety measure I don't sell. I've actually taken to leaving little bags as random gifts to random strangers in festivals, concerts, etc.

(I might still end up growing in a small closet in my bedroom this coming winter, but just as a challenge.)

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:27 pm
by unkle_psycho
All excess production should be made into rick simpson oil and other medical products and given to sick people :)

I Used to rent an apartment from a church in the 90's, and the rest of the building was their administration. I grew in this 1m2 kitchen cupboard, and used the kitchen as the lung room. I got an oversize fan for the filter, and put a dimmer on it, so it hardly made noise.

The kitchen was huge, so I put sofas and a sound system. It was the only space I would allow smoking in, but just one filter was enough to totally eliminate the smell of the plants and 10 smokers. It took about 30 seconds from a room full of bong smoke to unnoticeable.

I have heard of people saying one filter is not enough. It makes me wonder if there are huge differences in filters, and if I just got a good one back then.

Aren't you in France? over there plant count does not matter right? I think you already have the legal precedent that making hash takes tons of weed, and it can't be prosecuted hard without evidence of sales? But you should have some kind of hash making equipment to show the authorities if they would ever arrive :)

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 4:57 pm
by majorana
unkle_psycho wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 2:27 pm
All excess production should be made into rick simpson oil and other medical products and given to sick people :)

I Used to rent an apartment from a church in the 90's, and the rest of the building was their administration. I grew in this 1m2 kitchen cupboard, and used the kitchen as the lung room. I got an oversize fan for the filter, and put a dimmer on it, so it hardly made noise.

The kitchen was huge, so I put sofas and a sound system. It was the only space I would allow smoking in, but just one filter was enough to totally eliminate the smell of the plants and 10 smokers. It took about 30 seconds from a room full of bong smoke to unnoticeable.

I have heard of people saying one filter is not enough. It makes me wonder if there are huge differences in filters, and if I just got a good one back then.

Aren't you in France? over there plant count does not matter right? I think you already have the legal precedent that making hash takes tons of weed, and it can't be prosecuted hard without evidence of sales? But you should have some kind of hash making equipment to show the authorities if they would ever arrive :)
No, I'm Europe, but not in France. Excuse my paranoia for not being any more detailed.

I can imagine that it would be possible not to be slapped with the full force of the law if I ever run into it. But given my profession any encounter with the law would be major trouble. I don't even know what the details of the law are. So that's why I don't sell, and try to keep everything absolutely stealth.

My current air treatment involves not one but two carbon filters, as well as two (small) negative ion generators. And still, there's the lightest smell of vegetation outside of where the tent is. But I can't afford even the lightest suspicion. So I'm going to spend another €350 on an inline ozone generator to place between the two carbon filters, for another layer of protection before the flowers mature. Perhaps I should try replacing the carbon filters with another brand as well. My priorities are first being stealth, then anything that has to do with the plants.

The church cupboard sounds very ... cute? I'd still be worried about anybody entering the space though... That's actually a reason to keep on growing in the detached space I'm currently with also during the winter, rather than moving into my room (which gets an occasional visitor)

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 8:55 pm
by unkle_psycho
Yeah, in that kind of a system it makes sense to be careful. It's important to keep priorities in mind. I have many friends who don't grow because they have kids and our authorities can make serious problems for growing around them.

I can't help but wonder how there could be any smell though, with all the gear you got. I guess you've already done a lot of reading on the subject, since its a big deal for you. Did you read any threads on filter brands? I got mine almost 20y ago, so no way to find out what it was. Even the shop that sold it dissapeared.
My worries are general, here they make a fuss about plant numbers, so I want to just grow 2 plants... even though they wouldn't consider you a dealer before you have around 10 plants. I prefer to make it clear.

Read your thread again, and was thinking about your space. How well isolated is it? Thats the real issue, because whatever you use to warm a non-isolated space would be super wasteful. I saw someone make a grow room in an outside building in a cold region of Finland. He Built a small room from maybe 10cm thick isolation material, that looked like Styrofoam. It was well isolated, so it made better sense to heat it.

The gas heater we got seems quite economical. I think it equals a 2000-3000w electrical heater if its on full blast.

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 8:56 pm
by unkle_psycho
For sure your growing some stinky strains. Perhaps you should google low odor strains or something.

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:37 am
by Sativant
unkle_psycho wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 8:56 pm
For sure your growing some stinky strains. Perhaps you should google low odor strains or something.
It does sound like you’re growing skunk or something. Those smells really make themselves known. I’d try some other strains. I haven’t had any really smelly ones yet.

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 10:58 am
by majorana
unkle_psycho wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 2:27 pm
All excess production should be made into rick simpson oil and other medical products and given to sick people :)
I'm yet to smell the flowers which are growing now, but I've been avoiding skunks precisely on account of smell. The smell I've been combating previously wasn't necessarily that of marijuana, but that of vegetation. I suspect a lot of it is simply the 5-10% increase in humidity in the immediate vicinity. Fighting this battle on all fronts.

As for Rick Simpson oil, I made one very failed attempt at it. Smell is an issue too, considering how volatile alcohol (as a solvent) is. My next grow will actually be of a strain that reportedly has 22% CBD, which I plan to use precisely for that. I have so much THC-laden flowers already that I'm literally throwing them away. Being able to make stuff that will potentially help ameliorate symptoms of friends and family suffering from cancer and autoimmune diseases is definitely something I'd like to do. I just need to figure out the details of how to make it and a plausible story for how I can into possession of it.

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 11:40 am
by unkle_psycho
The oil is very easy to make, although there is a strong smell at the time you do it. Just marinate in strong alcohol, and evaporate. You might over evaporate on the first time, so its good to keep a little extra alcohol at hand to keep a little movement in the oil. One small injection plunger full is already tons, would probably take over 100g, so certainly the final product is easier to hide then weed :)

The humidity is probably whats overriding the fan,. at least thats something I heard. No experience. Did get to witness 3 cancer patients taking it. First was an old man, that the hospital declared had only 5 days to live. Thats when he started and 5 days later they could not measure cancer in his body any more. Pretty crazy.

Re: Heating in the winter

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:45 pm
by Vabann
Just got back from an overnighter at -31°C. I used one of those old naptha Coleman catalytic heaters rated at 3000 btu
Warmed up and dried out my small 2 man eureka nicely. The catch is that heat rises, so it doesn't do all that much for laying on your back reading a book. My hands still got cold, so I would hold them over the heater for a moment one hand at a time. Made for a real nice source of warmth to just keep working in the tent. Dried it out nicely as well. The heater does get hot enough to melt stuff, like the liner of your brand new NorthFace sleeping that you just got for Christmas. <grin> So, you have to keep stuff away from it. A bit of a bother with just one guy in a two man. It would have been impossible with two people. I put the heater out for night. I had been prepared to fire it up in the morning, but never did, getting up after the sun was up. Did I have to have it along, No. Did it make the evening a lot more enjoyable, Yes. Would I bring it again, Absolutely. With a proper 3 man 4 season tent it would make a relatively inexpensive light 'Warm' tent. The only drawback is the limited fuel as compared to a wood stove.

Test the heater before you go. I had a smaller Alita heater that smelled a bit gassy when it ran. I had bought it used. When I brought it into the house later, I lit it to empty out the remaining fuel. (the Alita is glass packed or something, so you can't pour the fuel back out.) The burn was incomplete enough, that the catalytically warmed burn head released enough gas vapour to support a yellow flame. Not good, from what I understand the yellow and blue flame is supposed to go out. This explained the smell. In the cold, there wasn't enough gas to flame, so it did go out like it was supposed to. The Coleman that I had, worked better, got a lot hotter and didn't smell.

I'm not crazy about the pressurized version of the catalytic heaters, but that is just my bias. I would much rather they ran on a wick to draw the fuel up to the head.