Koada project (Open-source automation w/ RPI)

Discuss garden automation systems and software here, including commercial products or Raspberry Pi and Arduino DIY setups.
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will you also offer a relay board?
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LED Lover
LED Lover
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seth_ wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:12 am
will you also offer a relay board?
The project is fully configurable.

For now, you can have up to 8 relays (max 2000 watts) & 16 pwm ports & an infinite number of sensors.
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LED Lover
LED Lover
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The prototyping is now finished for the relays & the PWM controller.

We're currently beginning the process for an industrial production of our simple Meanwell controller board (In the USA). We should receive the first boards in 20 days!

We're also very close to the first stable version of the software!

Thank you very much for the support of this community! This place just motivate us since the beginning!
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LED Lover
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Beta time!


We're happy to finally start the beta of Koada! If you're interested in testing the software and/or the hardware, please register here.

The first beta will features:

- Light schedule for PWM & Non-PWM driver (relay)
- Custom light module support (far red)
- Dynamic spectrum (power variation over time w/PWM)
- Sunrise & Sunset simulation

The second stage of the beta should features:

- Sensors (Temperature, Humidity, Co2)
- Environment alert (Mail / Push notification)
- Solenoid valve triggering for Co2 enrichment
- Support PWM fan for Temperature & CO2 control.
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Hey chaps,

I've been following this forum for a little whle and thought I'd drop a message. I'm a chemisty by education and used to work in IT (mostly database and hardware work) and have been messing around with a some-what related project.

I've built a water cooled LED strip light system with basic hardware store parts (I.e. no pre-made watercooling blocks) and simple DIY equipment (no CNC milling etc) which is working pretty well;. I've also recently finished an arduino program to regulate some server fans and pumps by tachometer/PWM which are self contained on the frame. The arduino also takes environmental readings and has some safety freatures and a degree of automation - though it's great to see others are way ahead in this area and on their own path.

I'm wondering whether you guys might know if there is a way to safely dim A series drivers which I baught before any vision (or real knowledege) outside of the built in potentiomers?. ...I'm under the imrpession (and by the thread) that if I were to create an external PWM cricuit (based around a MOSFET) that the driver would not 'be happy'. I'm hoping to avoid a screwdriver attached to a motor to turn the built in potentionmeter (though an amusing idea) and that people who understand more about electronics might know the result.

Still learning here, so please exucse any misconceptions/ignorance :) Cheers and it's great to follow the project.
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LED Lover
LED Lover
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Your water-cooling system sounds like a nicely engineered system! Do you have pictures?

About diming A-type driver, I don't think there is any way to dim them remotely. You can use a relay if the driver isn't too powerful to just switch it on/off, but I can't think about others possibilities. I also thought about a servo controlling the 2 dim holes. But it sounds like a bit overkill :lol:

If you're skilled enough, maybe you can open a driver and modify it to replace the 2 dimming potentiometers by something like this. ( I don't know what potentiometer they are using, so this is just a very vague proposition, the Raspipot is maybe not suited to replace the originals potentiometers)

Good luck with your project anyway!
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Cheers for the reply - Yeah, I don't trust myself to open up the driver... just yet, though certainly would be a good option; thanks for the suggestion. I imagine the built-in pot could indeed replaced with a digital pot. Though experiences makes me skeptical - I guees I'll never know unless I try lol.

I will be sure to post some pictures when it's up an running properly. I've just finished integreating the Blynk app for mobile control and implimenting some EEPROM functionality. It seems in this area of interest it's never ending..... great, but also very time conusming, as I'm sure you know! I'm also starting to see a big use for a Pi in my project....oh dear :).

Looking forward to more updates!
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LED Lover
LED Lover
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Koada is going forward! A little pic of the final version of our Meanwell controller PCB (made in the USA):
IMG_3377 (1).JPG
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It's looking beautiful! i've already prepared to buy all new drivers and setup my rpi when you guys get ready :D do you have any thoughts on the final cost of the controller tho? can't wait to see the items on the shopping list !!
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Hey, sorry I'm late. I just discovered this place exists! I just finished reading the previous pages of this topic, and I am impressed. I have been working on a similar project for years, but mostly just for my personal enjoyment. Seeing as I am not an electrical engineer, nor programmer, progress was slow.

After seeing how much stronger this project looks already, I would love to help out here, not reinvent the wheel any longer. I've dubbed my project: Growberry, and the source code can be found here: https://github.com/Growberry

It uses almost entirely python (as it's the only language I know :lol: ), and it comes in two parts: the server (growbery_web), and the local hubs (growberry_pi). I run a single pi3 as the "server", and 3 (for now) local controllers, 2 on raspi3, and one on raspiZero.

I have used a combination of DIY COB LEDs, and cheap pre-built Burple LEDs from ebay, so I needed a system flexible enough to do both. And only one of my DIY COBs was dimmable via PWM, so I had 3 unique situations. What I ended up with a super flexible system that I had to customize on each local pi. This worked ok for me because I could easily ssh into each pi, and modify the config file. But this can be a serious barrier for entry for those not looking to boot up a terminal. So I tried to make each file changable from the web interface, but that's as far as I got. I really like the idea of the sensor condition triggered relays (I have only one: fans) So nothing I ended up using was very "plug and play" friendly.

Is there a location where up to date information on the project's progress? Or is this forum the hub? I'd love to be a beta tester too!

Did I miss the github link? I'd love to look at the source code. What language is it?
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