FIrst Build with Samsung InFlux 4000k

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Helios wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:03 am
I have made some modifications to my lamps and switching away from DIY. :(

I did not like to drive the strips so hard (heat) so I connected two influx 09 strips to one driver (Osram OT FIT 80 Led driver). Now I am using the "real estate" of the heatsink better. The LED strips are on the outside of the heatsink and the driver is mounted in the middle between the strips but on the topside where the cooling fins are.

I would like to know the output but do not know how to make the math (2 strips and one driver).

I think I am going to sell the two remaining heatsinks because I do not have enough confidence to make a complete run with 4000k and I couldn't get the 3000k strips until now and am not willig to buy "old technology".

My new lights are factory build and have a decent reputation over here but they are very expensice (S4W, S2W and M30). I will give them a try and next winter is going to be more diy. Thinking of 6 or more Quantum Boards.
Best way to measure power is with a multimeter. Read voltage, read current, then multiply together and you have your power down to the watt. Otherwise, you can use the data sheets for your strips and driver to estimate it accurately. The math will depend whether they're wired in series or parallel.

You cannot go wrong with the Quantum Boards for sure.
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