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Re: Bridgelux strips not working

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:57 am
by lednoob
This is my 2nd, if I had to get another one it’ll be my 3rd. Nothing was wrong with the 1st, I just got a 24 volt driver cause that’s what the strip tool said I’d need, not realising the tool was using gen 1 strips. So I sold that for $100 just trying to get some money to put towards this one after people here kindly informed me of my mistake haha. Then this one is possibly faulty. I’ve went way over expected budget already, but figure since I’ve gone this far, I may as well actually finish it instead of spending all that money for nothing,

Re: Bridgelux strips not working

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:56 pm
by lednoob
Haha alright, for anyone that might be curious I found out what the problem is, and you're gonna laugh.

I just realized when I went to buy more strips that the strips I got were gen 1 strips and not 2. So not only did I get a more inefficient model, I should have kept my original 24V driver instead of buying a 20V assuming they were gen 2's hahaha, my username is fitting. I heard that you can't get gen 1's anymore since gen 2's replaced them and so I assumed mine were gen 2's.

Ah well, at least I have some lights up and running, and can either replace the strips/get another 24v driver when I can get some money together and learned a lesson. Be super careful and read everything at least 10 times before you drop a bunch of money on something.

Do you guys think I'd be better off replacing the strips, or just getting the new driver? They would both work out to about the same price, but I figure if the gen 2's are more efficient I'd be better off just replacing the strips and getting them. It would also be more of a hassle to have to replace everything though.

Re: Bridgelux strips not working

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:32 pm
by Jolly Green Giant
I'm glad the problem got figured out!! this one had a lot of confused 😁 don't worry I'm sure your not the first, and definitely won't be the last time it happens..

since everything is already put together, I would get the driver to run it as is... trying to pull strips off of a heatsink after it has been thermal taped = not a fun time!! and if your going to build future lights, I would do those first then come back to the gen1 build.. or maybe run it for awhile to see what it can do and if it's not what you need, sell it to a friend that needs a light or a less heat upgrade 😁

Bridgelux strips not working

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:03 am
by Henryroawl
I'v been in contact with the Vera support and they have been working on a bugfix.

They need some help from me to fix the last bits but I havnt had time to help them. And i will not have time for quete a while

Contact the vera support and they might be able to help you faster