Samsung's H562D connector rating?

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Help me out guys, I'm not a pro but I've got a cookie cutter COB build under my belt so I've got some basic understanding, and I try to research before building stuff. I need to build a new "shelf" lamp for growing indoor greens, like lettuce and kale.

While looking for another COB build, I found this quantum boards that look so promising, and being a geek (and in Europe) I'm trying to build it my way. I've researched a bit and I think that putting 13 bars of H562D in series on a HLG-120H-C500A would be AMAZING. It's a tight fit, as in the bars should be pulling 292,5V - 480mA - 140,4W from a 300V - 500mA - 150W driver.

The question is: I cannot find infos on the connector rating of the bars anywhere on the official sheets. The one and only LedGardener states in his build that the connector can take 300V at 9A. What I want to understand is: provided that I don't do any stupid shit and wire it properly with good insulation and put some sort of dissipation on it, will the connectors hold up fine in time?
To rephrase it: Is a connector rating voltage the absolute max it can take, or is it the voltage it is "comfy" with?

Thanks in advance, keep geeking on!
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:30 am

Hi Eddie.

You will be fine to slightly exceed the connector rating. Potentially you could solder to the strips directly if it is a concern though. The voltage rating on the connector is simply a reflection of the insulating properties of the connector material.

Anything under 300v/9A is normal and can be run permanently. ABSOLUTE max voltage will be much higher than that. You'd probably see some burn marks on the connectors. Might be a fun experiment with some old gear....!
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