Shopping cart confirmation - 2x2 F series

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Got all these in the cart ready to order.
If anyone could take a look to see if I'm not missing or if I have anything wrong, that would be sweet.

6x LT-F562B 3000k
1x HLG-150H-24B‎
1x 100k Linear Pot (this is a 10 turn 5% tolerance pot - if my money is better spent elsewhere, please correct my choice)

Gonna run the F strips at 50% ~ 125W. This should give me something close my already existing fixture of 12x LT-H282D strips. I like the idea of having two independent fixtures to accommodate different plants/heights in the grow area.

As for heatsinks, I'll be improvising with Double U Aluminium profile (20mm wide, 18mm tall, 1mm thick).

As for all the connectors, wagos, cables, tools and whatnot, I have a warehouse full of those.

Can I order confidently?
LED Enthusiast
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looks correct, no need for a 10 turn pot though a standard pot will suffice.
LED Lover
LED Lover
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You can buy that same pot for $5 or less on eBay. I purchased one myself to have more control of the motion.

But in all honesty 100k pot will work just fine. No need to spend $17 on one.
Digikey has many models with tight tolerance for just a few dollars.
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Jolly Green Giant
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I bought a five pack for under $3.. so I have back ups.. first one I installed went bad in 2 months.. swapped it.. I've been going almost 1 and 1/2 years on second one... other smaller driver still using first cheap pot...

only thing with cheaper pots is the resistance.. more than likely you'll want to add a 5-10k resistor.. which are easy to add also..
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