Problem with new build

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Comparing Samsung F-series strips at 3000K (SI-B8V521560WW) to Samsung F-series strips at 3500K (SI-B8U521B20WW)

The light with the 3500K strips is being driven by a Mean Well HLG-600H-48A, and the 3000K strips are being run by (2) Mean Well HLG-320H-C1400B. Each 320H-C1400B driver powering 4 strips.

The light with the 3500K strips being driven by the Mean Well HLG-600H-48A are MUCH brighter (when all drivers are turned up to max). I don't have a light meter so this is according to my eye.

Why is this? I see that the Luminous Flux rating is 130 lumens (1.4%) more for the 3500K than the 3000K (I know lumens are for humans) It also looks like the HLG-600H-48A is providing around 1.56 amps to each strip, and the HLG-320H-C1400B is providing 1.4 amps to each strip. Are these two factors the reason for such a noticeable difference in brightness?

Will the 3000K with the HLG-320H-C1400B's yield less product?

(discovered that imgur does not strip all personal data so I had to remove pics) ... C-SPEC.PDF ... H-SPEC.PDF
Last edited by randorson on Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
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If the HLG-600H-48A is splinting its 12.5 amps across 8 strips, each strip is being provided 1.56a
While the HLG-320H-C1400B's are providing 1.4a to each strip.

That is a 10.3% difference.

The rated luminosity for the 3000K strips is 8670 lm, compared to 8800 l'm for the 3500K. That is a 1.4% difference. For a total difference of 11.7%. Is that the difference I'm seeing? Because it looks like a hell of a lot more difference than that.

Thanks for the help. I'm terrified that I spent money building a light that will be significantly inferior to my 3500K/600H-48A light! Will my yield be lower with the dimmer light, and by how much?
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randorson wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:28 pm
Comparing (8) Samsung F-series strips at 3000K (SI-B8V521560WW) to (8) Samsung F-series strips at 3500K (SI-B8U521B20WW)

The light with the 3500K strips is being driven by a Mean Well HLG-600H-48A, and the 3000K strips are being run by (2) Mean Well HLG-320H-C1400B. Each 320H-C1400B driver powering 4 strips.

The light with the 3500K strips being driven by the Mean Well HLG-600H-48A are MUCH brighter (when all drivers are turned up to max). I don't have a light meter so this is according to my eye.

Why is this? I see that the Luminous Flux rating is 130 lumens (1.4%) more for the 3500K than the 3000K (I know lumens are for humans) It also looks like the HLG-600H-48A is providing around 1.56 amps to each strip, and the HLG-320H-C1400B is providing 1.4 amps to each strip. Are these two factors the reason for such a noticeable difference in brightness?

Will the 3000K with the HLG-320H-C1400B's yield less product? ... C-SPEC.PDF ... H-SPEC.PDF

I'm too stoned to start looking at the specs, but I'd say that its just more white in the higher K strip. I have 400w of 3000k, and when I add 150w of 3800k it looks like I tripled the light. The yellow light is just that much softer on the eye.
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Although they are not being driven as hard and have noticeably less lumens it doesn't mean you will get a 10% drop in yields, plants learn to adapt to lower light levels although it may decrease the yield a bit.
You should get your multimeter out and check the currents to each strip just to make sure that something isn't wrong if it is really noticeable. 3000k will not look as bright as 3500k also but lumens are different to ppf.
Next build you will know what to do and match up the driver to the strip better. I do not like those high voltage drivers and don't recommend them to be used for strip builds at all.
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Good advice. I will use my meter to check the actual power being supplied to the strip on each build. I'm also ordering a light meter.

I understand your position. I did ground the entire assembly for safety. In this case, I'm actually preferring the build with the high voltage driver, in spite of the safety concerns.

With Mean Well constant current drivers, to power 4 of these strips I picked the 320H-C1400 over the 320H-C1750 because the max voltage rating of the 320H-C1750 is one volt under what the strips "require".

At 46v each, four strips require 184 volts but the 320H-C1750 is rated for 91 ~ 183V. However unlike the 320H-C1400 which has a max current of 1.4a, the 320H-C1750 can output up to 1.75A.

Would that one volt have made a difference? Should I have gone with the 320H-C1750?

(discovered that imgur doe not remove all personal data so I had to remove pics)
Last edited by randorson on Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Can you wire up 4 of each spectrum with each 320H-C1400B?
If it’s easy for you to wire up 4 of each on one 320H-1400B that should give you the best answer.
Hlg suggests using series on boards to get the most out of boards and that could apply to strips also.
If you are OCD maybe wire up 4 of each spectrum and see what happens?
I’m curious to see what happens.
I don’t think running more amps will effect yields noticeably.
Good genetics and training during vegetative growth gives big yeilds.
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Drivers should be matched to the boards, when a manufacturer is designing a board they should be taking into consideration the drivers to suit the boards that are being produced. You would be surprised how many manufacturers don't do this at all.
A driver should run at it's maximum output to achieve the highest efficiency.
I don't believe it's nessacery to run just about any product in series now days.
Leds are tightly binned for voltage now not like when I first started in the game and even back then I still wasn't running things in series most of the time and had no issues.
If the manufacturers were good enough at designs they would only recommend parallel for a few reasons but the main one is safety
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Indiled wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:23 am
Can you wire up 4 of each spectrum with each 320H-C1400B?
If it’s easy for you to wire up 4 of each on one 320H-1400B that should give you the best answer.
Hlg suggests using series on boards to get the most out of boards and that could apply to strips also.
If you are OCD maybe wire up 4 of each spectrum and see what happens?
I’m curious to see what happens.
I don’t think running more amps will effect yields noticeably.
Good genetics and training during vegetative growth gives big yeilds.
I could do that but I'm not sure it would be the best answer. The 3000K definitely appear dimmer but they might actually produce as much or more PAR light. And even if we do want to consider the difference in lumen output between the 3k and the 3.5K, most of the difference here is probably how hard the trip are being driven.
Hlg suggests using series on boards to get the most out of boards and that could apply to strips also.
Do you have a link for that?
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You will get more than 12.5A out of that 600H A-type driver. I’ve seen over 14A from my 600H-48A. You won’t get much over rated on your B-type 320s. The lights on the 600 are probably getting significantly more current.
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The 3500k can appear brighter just from more white and lumens plus like you said more current.
If your 3000K are dimmer it wouldn’t effect yields on a measurable scale.
Your light is good so your yields will be dependent on genetics,environment,training,time in vegetative growth and many other factors.
Hlg does suggest running one of their multiple board kits in series to get max intensity.
There’s so many different ways and currents to run leds.I prefer running mine soft for cooler temperatures and some prefer max current.
I don’t see anything that wouldn’t be expected given drivers and spectrum used on your strips.
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