Help with Photoboost strip heatsinks in UK

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Hi guys I'm trying to price everything up to see if its worth the trouble/costs of importing the Photoboost strips.

I'm trying to find heatsinks similair tothe suggested ones from PLC which are these: ... -heatsink/

Closest I've found that are avalible are these, that are basically the exact same profile but with 4 fins instead of 6. ... Quantity=1&.

Greengene on the youtube refference build video, says something to the effect of the recommended heatsinks do 14 degrees a watt, but anything between 14 and 10c per watt thermal resistance would be fine.

I know next to nothing about the math involved here. I've watched the growmaus vid on choosing a heatsink but most of that applys to cobs in what hes saying.

Are there any smart people out there that can help me?

At the minute my alternatives are possibly using u channel but I wouldnt know what size to use, so another math question for smart people lies within that.

My other alternative is to do a f strip build which would be a loooot cheaper and easier as I could use u channel and the strips are a lot cheaper as well, especially not having to pay vat(20% tax) plus a bit of customs charges. I'd realy like that 2.7/umol/ju effeciency though haha. Maybe I just do f strips and upgrade at a later date.

Thanks in advance.
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I can't help you with the math, and the sinks look decent, but perhaps not the kind of power those strips are designed for? Are the photoboosts like over 100w per 4 feet?

Cutter has just put out QB's with the newest generation cree xpg-3 that puts out over 4umol... they have lots of other modules that can be used to supplement white leds. Could probably add 730nm and UV for pretty close to the same price.

I would probably look at more, cheaper, lower power led, and build the supplemental channels my self. The new seoul semiconductor lines put out quite a bit more then the samsungs at low color temperatures...
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Hi, I'm very interested in this too.

These heatsinks from USA just looks great ( they probably work well too)

At the minute it looks like it's impossible to find same heatsinks in Europe.
Or if I'm wrong please correct me.

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I've emailed 2 companies in the uk that had basically exactly what we want. 1 said out of stock, not said when they would get more in, then sugested one that us 65mm wide with 6 fins on top, but with a massive gap in the middle instead. I think its too wide to work well :(

I'm still waiting on another company to get back to me. I may try and call them tomorrow. I work late at night though so maybe I can call them in the morning.

Id be insterested in finding these for an ok price anywhere in the EU. maybe I need to hunt harder.

Im wanting to order the photoboost strips so I can build them within 2 weeks or so. I'm scared they will sell out again, but I'm hesitant to order them without knowing the full build cost and weather I can actually get the heatsinks!
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I think the company lumitronix from germany may have what you require. Heat sinks are difficult because of the expense of freight. Best to buy in bulk.
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Thanks for the reply.

So potentially good news.

Greengene's most recent live video from youtube mentions that some one was using something like this as a heatsink and says it worked even better. thats jsut what some one said to him though so still needs to test. ... tml#SID=30

seems easy to find if searching in the uk/eu/metric world as 30x30 or 25x25 aluminum Extrusion or profile .

This is the cheapest price I could find so far to me in the uk.. Not too bad. Double the cost of the recommended u channel for samsung f strips but I think its worth it.

He says it here at 26:00

This link helped me understand some of the terminology of this t-slot stuff and helped me find the above.

Now I just need to figure out how to reduce the 20% import chargesfor the strips to the UK.......
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So the plc photoboost strips are 2 foot strips, 37.8w per strip so 75.6w per 4 ft @1400ma. 1900ma 106.4w.

stats here ... ht-engine/

-96 Samsung 301B

-4 CREE XP-E Photo Red HE

This batch is the last batch before they upgrade the reds to the new crees.

You might be onto something sticking with the cheaper strips. That was my original idea, but I'm a sucker for effeciency, and the ease of the reds already included. I'm into saving money as well though so....

Basically I'm wanting to replace 2 x 1k SE HPS over a 4x8. I'm thinking about bumping up to 6 x 8.

With 32 of the photoboost strips, thats 3360 ppf driven @ 1400ma. If i did my math right, thats 777PPFD over 6x8. I'm also going to invest in a nice controller to aim for nice vpd, and co2 which I've never run before, so exciting stuff really to try and up the effeciency.

Part of me wants to save the money, the other just wants it done! I was originally planning on getting 2 Fluence Spydr 2i. Seems like I can build them for half.

Crunched numbers, so ar with strips, shipping, import tax, drivers, heatsinks I'm looking at about £1400. Would still need some cheap aluminium framing, pots, wire, and connectorsb but thats all farily cheap in comparision to the main components.

Based on this thread ... ng-strips/&

I've priced up 20 samsung f strips 3500K SI-B8U521560WW, drivers, and u channel for heatsink and its only at about £870. Still need the connectors ect but all that is pretty much the same costs. Its way less strips though so I doubt I will get anywhere near as much ppf. Does any one know how to figure out the ppf of the f strips so I can compare costs per photon?

Seems like the f strips want to be in parallel which looks messy, and the photoboost strips are in series and looks really tidy and easy.
Last edited by Ohlol on Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I think Teknik just posted a board coming from cutter in two weeks, it uses nichia and the new cree and put's out 3.3 umol/w.

I'm sure the photoboost strips are great, but had always imagined they were overpriced. If I was aiming for efficiency I would definitely start by mapping things out on paper, like how many watts per £ I get... Efficiency comes from driving soft, which means its set by how many diodes you can acquire. Is it possible that this is the cheapest platform for lm301b diodes?

No disrespect meant, but if there is any ego element involved in the purchase, like you want something more special then your friends, then these will not carry you very far. Even the new mars fixtures have the red pump at 660nm, so you can be almost sure that premium manufacturers will be aiming at 'more interesting' spectrum's, and more ambitious efficiencies over the next year.

So if there was any ego, or mad scientist tendencies involved with your decision, I would have a look at the exotics at Cutter and play around with the idea of adding more then 660... and if its just 660 you want, then look at the new cree g3, which seems damn cheap there.

Options with cutter would include 660 by itself, or with added 730. They also have a UV/ infrared, and 660/ infrared strip and of course a lot of options if you want everything on separate channels. I think the only added frequencies we can surely say there is a clear benefit to are UV (about 10% increase in THC) and 730nm sleep initiation.

I spent a year playing around with budget heatsink solutions, and I doubt the claims that the modular extrusion works better then heatsink USA. I doubt the usefulness of 'mass based cooling' or whatever he was talking about. I have heatsinks that vary from 0.6mm to 3mm in thickness, and the 6x heavier ones get just as hot, but slowly. Air movement is a huge factor as he said.
The modular t-slot aluminium is surely the coolest stuff to build from if the weight does not matter, it will be easy, adjustable, solid, easy to take apart etc. only downsides weight and perhaps price. In china the stuff is 2.2$/kg. People tell me its expensive because of taxes and shipping, but I think Europeans just don't have a proper DIY market so the stuff is usually sold for niche market prices. You can also find special shapes, like the 30x15 extrusions are half thinner so weigh less. The extrusions can be used to make easy fluence style fixtures.

Anyway I'm feeling like I'm putting out too much of a pessimistic vibe. It's not my purpose. I'll stop trying to steer your boat :D
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Simple aluminium u-channel works, we use 3mm thick, 60mm wide and 2x 30mm fins with standard M3 self adhesive. 40w per 2 foot works really well for us, but were using 2 strips on soft, not one driven hard. But the heatsink is really cool to the touch, especially with sone air movement. Have even tried 70w and it was warm but not piping hot.
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@uncle I think you are reffering to this? viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4354
Its 3m/j atthe board i guess? the PBS are 2.8 at the board and 2.7 at system level. I also like the thin strips for dispersion for moere even coverage and heat dissapation.

Its not an ego thing at all, but thanks for looking out. Wouldnt be the first time my ego got the best of me. Everything is so clandestine over here still due to prohibition that no one knows what I do.

Its more of an efficiency thing/ time thing and I'm pretty sure the increase in yield will pay them off in 1 crop. But I need them built in 2 weeks or so. Since I was worried about them selling out yet again, I've taken the leap and ordered the PBS anyways. The cost is a shitter due to vat(20% tax) but thats all my fault for living in europe haha.

I've heard about uv increasing yield but I've not seen the science. do you know where I could read up more on added frequencies?

Re: heat sinks, I plan on having a lot of air movement so I'm hoping that it will be ok. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here. Do you have any tips on checking temps on the boards? I have an IR thermometer, I'm jsut not sure if I check on the diodes them selves or around them, and I'm not sure what is their max temps. any idea how I find out?

@rocket thanks for the info.

If I could use u channel it would probably save me money. I've not looked locally yet I've only been able to look online.

I'm waiting for a quote on this heatsink. Basically looks like u channel with 2 aditional fins per side.

I guess at the end of the day its not how hot the heatsinks are but how hot the diodes are.
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