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Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:09 pm
by randorson
I have lights with (8) Samsung F-series linear strips.

The lights are wired with (4) strips in series, powered by a Mean Well HLG-320H-C1400B.

The strange thing is that when I power the same 4 strips with a Mean Well HLG-320H-C1750B, they produce only about 60% of the ppfd compared to the HLG-320H-C1400B.

When I use a clamp meter to test the DC amperage being pulled by the circuits;

When metering the circuit as powered by the HLG-320H-C1400B, I see a current draw of 1.75 A. Now I know this might be confusing because that is the same as the rating of the HLG-320H-C1750B, but this is not a typo.

When metering he circuit as powered by the HLG-320H-C1750B, I see a current draw of 1.22 A.

Both measure at 184 VDC.

What the hell is going on here?



I know that 4 strips in series should require 184 VDC. I was told on this forum that the HLG-320H-C1750B could handle that voltage while still supplying constant current, even though it is one volt over the constant current rating. Is that not correct?

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:16 pm
Your strips may have a higher voltage bin and require extra voltage, most likely your driver needs a few more volts to get to its maximum.
Maybe try taking one of the strips out of the equation to lower the voltage and check it again to make sure your driver is working correctly. If you then check the voltage and divide by 3 you will be able to tell what the forward voltage of the strips are

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:41 pm
by randorson
I did as you advised. (and thank you btw) Looks like each strip is pulling 49 VDC. I'm fucked! I built 15 lights using these drivers. Now I will have to replace 30 drivers at my cost.

I dont know what lesson to draw from this. If it were not for free advice online, I could have never built a light at all. But it was free bad advice (and my own ignorance of course) that has now cost me thousands of dollars.

I'm not even sure how to fix this. The HLG-320H-C1400B is not powerful enough, and I know now that the HLG-320H-C1750B is not applicable. That leaves me with wring all 8 strips in parallel and using a HLG-600H-48B. And that will require me to rewire all the lights in parallel (at least I have no other work now thanks to the rona :roll: )

This is how I built my prototype but I was chided for doing so on this forum. I was told that it was inherently more dangerous to build it that way, and that I should wire 4 strips in series instead. I pointed out that there is a gap in the Mean Well HLG line of constant current drivers, therefore no fit my application. But I was told that the drivers can always do more than they are rated for, so it would be fine.

I'm not blaming anyone but myself. I just want this to serve as a cautionary tale for those taking, and giving advice. My dog is having surgery on Wednesday and it cost $2,200 -$3000. What luck.

Guess I will have 30 HLG-320H-C1750B's to try to sell on ebay soon.

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:55 pm
I will look into a cheap fix for you

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:56 pm
by randorson
TEKNIK wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:55 pm
I will look into a cheap fix for you
WOW thank you! I didn't think there was any hope of that.

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:58 pm
If you added another strip or 2 into the mix in parallel it may drop the voltage down enough and be cheaper than purchasing new drivers.

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:04 pm
by randorson
I'm trying to draw/think that out but I'm not able to think well right now due to stress.

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:09 pm
Can you link the data sheet of the strips you are using. There is often a voltage graph that may help me calculate it

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:12 pm
It won't work anyway
The other solution is to swap out one of the strips with a lower voltage strip like a bridgelux

Re: Weird issue with meanwell drivers powering samsung strips

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:15 pm
Ideally you would use a 33-36V strip to get the right voltage you require. Its going to be cheaper than buying new drivers.