Quantum board with a line going dim

All things related to board-style lights (Quantum Boards, Logic Pucks, etc.)
F.N. led
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 7:45 pm

Hello guys Iam new here. I jumped on the Q.B. wagon. I bought one from shezen via Alibaba. It came with a dimmer. It has been working great for two weeks I just went down and a orange light was on on the dimmer box and a row had gone dim where I put the postive wire in. It is paralleled wiring in order to run the dimmer I think . And one chip is fried
Any help on understanding where I would have gone wrong would be very appreciated. Looks like I have found the right spot for this type of lighting. which is needed.
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:28 pm

Probably just a failed chip.

You need to give more information on the wiring, power supply and dimmer, but I doubt you have done anything wrong of it's been fine for 2 weeks.

Have you contacted the supplier? Which one was it? Got a link?
F.N. led
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 7:45 pm

It was bought off of alibaba Shenzhen Meijiu Lighting Company. Here is a picture of the one I bought.
F.N. led
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 7:45 pm

They are 304 boards not 288. Like I say they work a lot better since I unplugged the dimmer from the power bar. I watched the videos from the led gardener YouTube. I know they were put in parallel not series I think this is due to the dimmer, I use wago connectors the instructions were very straight forward. I hope I do not blow any more diodes ouch.
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The max voltage of that driver is 119V so wouldn't run 2 boards in series, instead the current is split between 2 boards wired in parallel

The maximum current of these boards is 1200ma, so if the driver which is constant current, is set higher than this and one board becomes disconnected it would over power the remaining board which isn't ideal, a fuse could be added for peace of mind.

I still don't think you have done anything wrong and you got unlucky with a bad chip.
F.N. led
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Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 7:45 pm

Good news they are working with me right away the company I bought off of. I will get a fuse installed. Thankyou so much for the help and your very speedy responce this place is needed for newbies :D .
F.N. led
Posts: 19
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Here is my other light I bought this one off of BAVA tech. out of Shenzhen. It is a single board meanwell driver it is growing and working great.
. If someone could tell me the true watts with this set up it would be nice I think it is around 135 watts but not sure? Thank you
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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To measure electricity use at the wall, you can get something like this...a Kill-A-Watt meter:
https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kill-A-Watt ... /202196386

Did you get your "Meanwell" driver from Alibaba too? I have no firsthand experience with it, but have read several times that the drivers from China can be knock-offs.

I might, perhaps, try some QBs/LED strips from China, but for the driver of any light system, I would get it from a respected distributor such as www.mouser.com
F.N. led
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 7:45 pm

I never thought of a knock off driver ever. Boards yes knock off connectors maybe but drivers what is this world coming to. I just got a hold of mean well to make sure they are a reputable dealer of their drivers. That is the only thing I can think of to know for sure. The pictures look identical from my drivers to the ones on meanwell's sight. I hope they can tell me I also sent meanwell pictures of my drivers. Thank you guys for the help I have some learning to do.
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They look genuine to me, they are made in China so they probably get a good deal and potentially fewer people to add their bit of profit on before you get it.

I've put the serial numbers in here and they came up ok. http://www.meanwell.com/serviceReport.aspx

I've searched for fake meanwell drivers and haven't found anything that looks like an HLG driver.
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