Quantum board 120 potentiometer NOT dimming

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Hello all, I've been looking around everywhere for answers but I can not find them.
I have 2 quantum board 120, wired in series with HLG120h-48b, I asked a buddy who works with computers what potentiometer I should use. I was counfused more when I started reading.
I ended up using "100W 100 Ohm Ceramic Wirewound Potentiometer Rotary Resistor Rheosta"
My problem is it is not dimming at all, I know it's not enough ohms, but my second issue is, it it resisting any current the lights seem dimmer than what I've scene on videos of thes.
Thirdly I purchased a 100k ohm 1/2 w potentiometer, do I need to add a resistor or not?
I don't plan on dimming much unless I have seedlings and even then I feel more comfortable just turning dial half way rather than soldering in more components. Thank you very much for any assistance
LED Maniac
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You need a 100kohm linear taper potentiometer. Get a multimeter and test the resistance of the potentiometer and see if it's 100k or not. If it's below 100k, you might need a resistor.
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It's defiantly not 100k it max out at 128 the lights do not dim at all, but my other question, being it's 100w is that why my light seems more dim than the review if sceen of these,
What does the watt mean in the potentiometer world,
What is the difference between a 100w 100k ohm and a 1/2w 100k ohm
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It refers to how much power you can put through it. The Meanwell dimmer circuit has practically no power to it. Far less than a watt.
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LED Enthusiast
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Score yourself a B100K potentiometer, that'll do the trick.
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yes, I did get a 1/2 watt, 1000k pot., but why with the 100w, was it not dimming at all, and with the 1000k one its a lot brighter all togather, was the other Potentiometer aculaly resisting 100 watts? I would like to know why and how this all does togather. thanks ll for the help
LED Maniac
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What was the resistance of the 100w pot. It's all in the resistance in ohms for how it dims. The wattage is for how much wattage the dim leads output.
NothinYet is my nickname
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