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Quantum Board PPFD Results

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:13 pm
Here are the results for my QB testing in a couple different spaces at different heights to the sensor:
24 2x2.png
24 2x2.png (84 KiB) Viewed 2775 times
18 2x2.png
18 2x2.png (85.88 KiB) Viewed 2775 times
12 2x2.png
12 2x2.png (88.26 KiB) Viewed 2775 times
260W 3x3.png
260W 3x3.png (126.79 KiB) Viewed 2775 times

Re: Quantum Board PPFD Results

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:47 pm
by Jolly Green Giant
awesome :) just watched the video also... I love my 135 watt!!!!!!!!

Re: Quantum Board PPFD Results

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:10 am
by majorana
Re: "Final thoughts" - how much did you spend on U-channel aluminum bars (aka heatsinks)? Here in Europe a 2 meter bar is like €3-5 at the hardware store. As for ease of mounting: how complicated is it already to wire these strips (a bunch in series, and bunches in parallel) and stick them on the aluminum bars?

That said, I too would be happy to get a ready-made kit and save myself the trouble of working out any details. Unfortunately I suspect the added/premium cost involved for a HLG kit -- especially when including shipping to Europe -- would add too much to the material cost (i.e., when comparing sourcing the parts individually).

My plan is to build a lighting fixture around the the Samsung LM561c diodes precisely because it seems simple, and that I can save on the heatsinks. The heatsinks I ordered for my Vero 29 fixture ended up being almost 40% of total price - both because they were expensive-ish and because of the added weight to the shipping.

I'm waiting out until September/October with hopes that better data would be available to demonstrate that the PPFD/lpw measurements also correspond to actual efficacy (grams per watt).

Re: Quantum Board PPFD Results

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:03 pm
Well, I've got a good handle on how these things need to wire up in order to get the right current through each diode, but all the wire stripping and connecting was tedious.

I spent nearly $100 Canadian on all the aluminum channel and square tubing. That being said, I could have gotten it cheaper if I shopped around more and went to some metal shops, but I took the easy way out and got it at Home Depot.

I think there will be a ton of data on these things in the next few months as some of the serious growers get their hands on them and start posting results.

Re: Quantum Board PPFD Results

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:51 am
by majorana
Me, having close to zero technical background and just as much hands-on experience, would benefit even more from any craftsmanship than can bought. My question is how much does it amount to.

I tried doing some back of the envelope calculations: Online I see that the 135W kit, aka QB288, costs at the Lighting Group $71 (on sale). That doesn't include the driver or heatsink ($12 on sale). At Digikey a 288 diode cut tape goes for $63, but that difference is small enough to justify having the diodes assembled and ready to wire.

However, going bulk the numbers shift: when multiplying 8 units of HLG's QB288 (for the ~1kW range) that would be $572, compared with $337 of diode tape at digikey. (I'm guessing a quote from an Alibaba seller can go even lower.) I'm making an educated guess that aluminum U-bars would cost half as much as the heatsinks, and save another $70 on shipping.

For some the labor cost involved would exceed this $350 gap, for others who enjoy more free time perhaps that money could be better used