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3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 6:17 pm
by chilipepper
Hey Growers,

I just wired my 3x QB288s from Alibaba (LZ Led Tech) in 3000K+RED in parallel on my HLG-240-48A. (rated 5A 52V max)
So on max. power I should get 5A in total on 3 boards, and around 50 volts right?

When I measure my voltage on the driver output I only get around 42 Volts.
Is there something wrong?

Or is it because every QB288 only consumes 1.66A and at that current there is only 42V required?

Would really appreciate your help, this is my first post here btw :)

Best Regards from Germany

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:23 pm
Hey and welcome. I bet if you check current you'd measure full current. Sounds like the driver is maxed out and running in CC mode, which isn't really a problem. Pretty much just like you said - the 3 are splitting the current and happen to have 42V across them at the current they're getting.

If you disconnect a board, your voltage would likely go up quite a bit, though you may not want to try this since that driver might overpower those boards when only 2 are hooked up... not sure about the specs on them.

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:19 pm
by chilipepper
Alright, I got it now! Thank you very much, happy to hear everything is fine!

My fourth QB288 will also arrive soon.
When I wire 4x QB288 on a HLG-320-42 which has up to 45V output and 7.65A, and set the Current to max, giving every board 1.9A do I get issues with the Voltage?
I am asking myself what happens if the boards start to use more than 45V? Is the driver just limiting current output or will it shut off?

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:03 am
chilipepper wrote:
Sat May 30, 2020 12:19 pm
Alright, I got it now! Thank you very much, happy to hear everything is fine!

My fourth QB288 will also arrive soon.
When I wire 4x QB288 on a HLG-320-42 which has up to 45V output and 7.65A, and set the Current to max, giving every board 1.9A do I get issues with the Voltage?
I am asking myself what happens if the boards start to use more than 45V? Is the driver just limiting current output or will it shut off?
If the boards are eating up the all the current that driver can produce, same thing is gonna happen. It'll go CC mode, and voltage will drop.

If you have some time, I made a video about constant voltage drivers that might help.

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:39 am
by chilipepper
I have seen your video before, it has helped me a lot in general!
But my specific question is not answered by the video :mrgreen:

The data sheet of the HLGs always show a "CC Region", which for the 320-42A model is 21-42V.
The max. output is 45,7V. So my question is if the CC mode only works up to 42V and is not supported at 44V or even 45V any more?

I plan on using the 320-42A driver for 4 Boards at around 44 Volts, just dont want to blow things up :roll:

Best regards from Germany

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:24 pm
by Shimbob
I've found that its not a hard rule that a -42 driver will only work up to 42V. I have an hlg-600h-42A that does 15.3A at 44V.
There's enough slack in the system to give you a little extra, check out the test reports for the driver you're interested in.

In the hlg-320H-42 specs, it states drivers with the internal pot (-42A, -42AB, or -42C) can be adjusted to 45V

Re: 3x QB288 only pulling 42 Volts in parallel

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:25 pm
chilipepper wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 9:39 am
I have seen your video before, it has helped me a lot in general!
But my specific question is not answered by the video :mrgreen:

The data sheet of the HLGs always show a "CC Region", which for the 320-42A model is 21-42V.
The max. output is 45,7V. So my question is if the CC mode only works up to 42V and is not supported at 44V or even 45V any more?

I plan on using the 320-42A driver for 4 Boards at around 44 Volts, just dont want to blow things up :roll:

Best regards from Germany
If it's in CC mode, it's not possible for the voltage to go higher. Only lower. It's the very nature of the mode. Whatever you have hooked up to it cannot force it to raise voltage PLUS max the current out.