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Grow Journal, time series of notes, etc?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:06 pm
by mb7701
First I have to say thanks for creating all this content. You've done an incredible job and are helping tons of people break into this awesome hobby!

OK my question --- Has anyone considered ways of creating some kind of simple "Grow Journal" so that notes, ideas, annotations etc. can be recorded within home assistant and therefore shown in time series with any other data thats being tracked in HA?

Use case example:
Lets say I notice my plants are looking a little burned so I decided to tweak the nute dosing. The changes to the Nute dosing would be captured by HA recorder / DB. However it would be great to be able to have notes that are also timestamped and saved in HA database so that I could write in some text like: "plants looked nutrient burned so backing off concentration for a week to flush..." That way when looking back I would have more context without having to sort through notes in 3 different places.

I've spend some time googling but have not come up with anything relevant so far. I can imagine something like this could be done with a combination of python scrips, text files and conditional statements in Loveless.. but I dont have nearly the knowledge to attempt something like that.

Im sure many of us keep some kind of grow notes already - Personally I keep mine in 3 places, and its starting to drive me crazy, so keen to hear about anyone else's experiences or ideas around this even if not purely a HA solution.


Re: Grow Journal, time series of notes, etc?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:08 am
by morrisraybrooks
i saw a thing earlier that you can integrate google calendars into home assistant