Predictive model for identifying nutrient deficiencies/problem

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Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:55 pm

I stumbled onto this library somebody built to try to predict cannabis health
then i found this option to bring teachable machines into home assistant, i am hoping someone out there has the know how to make the program work with the cannabis data set above ... eAssistant. Heres a HA forums link to adding tensor flow to docker stack. might require to make new build of tensor flow.
My idea is to use an esp32-cam for this, and send notifications of deficiencies. If i can get the program to work eventually my intention is create the all the node red automations to fix what ever deficiencies there are with diff dosage pumps. I prob sound dumb not being able to do this myself but i thought i would throw it out there. if nobody out there ill prob tackle it myself after i finish my current automations.

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