Timer solutions

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 01, 2022 12:35 am

Hi fellow gardeners,
I have spent yesterday experimenting with different timer options and wanted to get some opinions and share my findings. (I avoid node-red)
I have so far tried 3 different options:

1. Scheduler card: this has been very good, I can set schemes with no action periods, for example I have a light that is off between 12.00 and 04.00 and a separate scheme that runs an automation between 04.00 and 12.00 (this turns on for 10min every hour).

The only issue I have had is something went wrong causing slow boots and had to re install the timer to fix.

2. Safe scheduler blueprint: this allows times to be set using a timedate input and also allows custom triggers to check action is completed, I don't know if there is any real advantage over method 1.

3. This I am still trying to work out, the idea is to set a timedate or text input then send a json payload to tasmota to set and enable a timer, so far I can set the timer but have not figured out how to input the time correctly, it is always setting to 00.00 currently.

The advantage with method 3 is the timer is controlled by the power board and operates as normal if HA is not available, which I think would be ideal on an unstable network and remove a point of failure.

How is everyone going about this?
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