10x FB24B + 2x 480h-48b

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ATPinMotion wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:12 pm
T-Time wrote:
Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:09 pm
Measured with laser gun/ thermometer probe:
I did all the strips separately and took the average temps. It was hard to measure with the gun and depending on the angle it would give different reads at the same spot, but You get the idea. They are runnning cool ;)

Ambient temp 26*C
Back of the strip 27.3*C / 29*C
Front of the strip (white coating ) 29.3*C / 30*C
TC³ 29.3*c / 28*5C
Awesome! Thanks for the update! That's really 'cool' :)

Not sure of your conditions though - I'm guessing that is the bare strip at 2.2a? Or is that with the heat czink?

I know what you mean about temp readings - super finicky around the diodes... still, knowing your test conditions will provide a good data point for me, thanks again!
Hydrofood wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:12 pm
What exactly are you curious about regarding Eb gen2’s?
Eb Gen2 Thermals thread
https://www.rollitup.org/t/bridgelux-eb ... ls.957453/
Thanks for the link, I have some EB gen 2's - T-Time just got some FB24's and that's what I was curious about.

:lol: I thought You were asking about my EB 2 strip temps.
I havent wired my FB24's yet.
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maybe this diagram will make it more clear what I'm thinking to do.

One driver to drive 5 strips. Is that technically sound ? Basically cant fit 14AWG wire into 5way connector with 18AWG wire so im trying to split 14AWG wires into two 20AWG wires, which will fit into 5way wago with 18AWG wire.
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I would make use of the parallel driver connections. Use one to run 3 strips (the close 3). Run the farthest 2 strips on the other leg - use a 14ga wire to get there. Keep all your 18ga wires a similar length. I did a poor job drawing this, and I'm not suggesting measuring to the mm, but keep 18ga runs as short as possible, and as even or balanced as possible, if that makes sense.


Edit: just realized you don't have parallel driver outputs on your driver. Just start with a 3way wago, run a short 14ga from there to your 5way (connect 3 strips), run a longer 14ga to another 3 way wago, connect remaining 2 strips. LOL, I can redraw if that is not making sense, sorry!
Run 'em soft
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I dont think Your setup will equalize the current between all 5 strips.

I decided to connect them my way. For now it looks that all 5 strips are getting even amperage. Will measure that when I get a chance and let You know if that setup works. For now i only connected everything together as I'm waiting for heatsinks to come in.

Drivers will be kept inside the tent to add extra warmth.
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You're good my friend.

2x 20ga wires are about equivalent to a single 17ga connector (at these voltages).

At that length (4cm?) It will take some pretty sensitive equipment to measure the difference between 'your' way and 'my' way. I would guess on the order of (+/-)1%. Keep in mind, with 'my' way all of the 18ga leads could be shorter, ultimately it has the potential for higher system efficiency, but I am really splitting hairs with that argument.

All this stuff is engineerable. Here's a good resource if you would rather do math than cut wire;

http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator ... ection.htm

I think you'll be fine though - if you are concerned, just keep an eye on the temperature of those 20ga wires between the 2 wagos.

I take an obsessive number of measurements during burn in (thermal, voltage, current). Hot spots and fluctuations are good indicators that components may not be performing to specification. Good QC can save much headache down the road, and a large part of that is verifying system stability.

Looking forward to the thermal numbers on those strips after the heat sinks are installed, nice work on the control box as well there!
Run 'em soft
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ATPinMotion wrote:
Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:00 pm
You're good my friend.

2x 20ga wires are about equivalent to a single 17ga connector (at these voltages).

At that length (4cm?) It will take some pretty sensitive equipment to measure the difference between 'your' way and 'my' way. I would guess on the order of (+/-)1%. Keep in mind, with 'my' way all of the 18ga leads could be shorter, ultimately it has the potential for higher system efficiency, but I am really splitting hairs with that argument.

All this stuff is engineerable. Here's a good resource if you would rather do math than cut wire;

http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator ... ection.htm

I think you'll be fine though - if you are concerned, just keep an eye on the temperature of those 20ga wires between the 2 wagos.

I take an obsessive number of measurements during burn in (thermal, voltage, current). Hot spots and fluctuations are good indicators that components may not be performing to specification. Good QC can save much headache down the road, and a large part of that is verifying system stability.

Looking forward to the thermal numbers on those strips after the heat sinks are installed, nice work on the control box as well there!

I never wanted it to be a competition :oops:

I will probably upgrade to 2x 18 Awg between wagos if I'll menage to fit those in.

Heatsinks are in !
All came in packed well, precise cut and rounded edges so I recommend that supplied.
Strips fit pretty well on them with 2mm sticking out on each end.
I harvested already, so its time to take old lights out the tent and hook up new ones in :)
Whatch this space....
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Looking good my man!

hOhOhO no ego intended. Those 'quotes' didn't really come out 'right'. Yours, mine, 1, 2, A, B, just differentiation.

I've tuned some pretty sensitive audio and RF circuits, so I do have some idea what I'm talking about when it comes to cross sections, surface area, volume of copper and balancing circuits... At the same time I appreciate pragmatism, and we are talking about LED's here. No need to overcomplicate things!

You could always double up 20ga wires in the 3 way wago - using 4x 20ga instead of just 2 (from 3 way to 5way) would certainly open that bottleneck some.

Heat sinks look great, can't wait to see it all come together!
Run 'em soft
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All good mate.

TBH I couldnt make it in my head to work. You've said to make 14 AWG longer and I've thought I would have to cut and check, cut and check again untill i would get the right balance between the circuits. That and the fact i like symerty made me to go with other solution. Doesn't change the fact that I really appraciate Your input :)

Even tho its simple setup that I'm planning to do and loads have been done already, there are a lot of things that need to be done. I would like it to be perfect first try, so I'm taking my time. I have some flowers drying in the tent, that are partially connected to old light fixture, that aren't makeing things any easier :|

Will update You with the progress :)
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Just got everything hung up.
Still testing temps for You ATPinMotion. Will let You know in hour or two., But I can tell You now its NOT 30°C ;)


55°C at the heatsing after about 2hours rooning on MAX with only exhaust fan running at minimum (with fan controller). No direct air , blowing at heatainks.
Ambient air 20°C

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Damn T-Time, that is a sexy accordion you've got there. Love the rigging!! :D

55°C on the back of the heatsink? Sounds like a true max to me. Thanks! Really appreciate that data point. I'm guessing you used the blue tape to marry them?

Good looking harvest in the background, hard not to love what you've got going. Thanks for including us in the journey!
Run 'em soft
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