Is perception receptive, creative or purely conceptual?

When no other category makes sense.
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Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:16 pm

It's so much fun being a monkey. However, having spent a lot of my life doing nothing except hanging from a tree, I'm no longer sure whether the world made me swing or whether I make it swing. Whenever I hang the other way, everything that appeared before disappears and everything that didn't exist before suddenly appears. All of a sudden I find myself identifying with the aperture of my view rather than the banana trees and the eater of bananas, i.e me! Because I'm not entirely sure anymore that my own appearance isn't something I dont spontaneously update with each subsequent swing. Any ideas?
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that line of reasoning will lead you to a very lonely place...i would suggest you fine tune your swing and observe other monkies to keep busy....and a monkey who sees himself as a monkey is actually a human and vice versa!

something about your post made me wanna listen to an old track by live ...iris
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Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:16 pm

charsi wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:37 am
that line of reasoning will lead you to a very lonely place...i would suggest you fine tune your swing and observe other monkies to keep busy....and a monkey who sees himself as a monkey is actually a human and vice versa!

something about your post made me wanna listen to an old track by live ...iris

Hello Charsi, thanks for stopping by for a chatter :)
Of course you may be right, and then again you may be wrong. Who can say? Both contextual, is either worth the consideration? More to the point, is the considerer worth believing? I suspect not - considering oneself right only makes others wrong and that's just not monkey fun!
Reasoning is for minds that might experience such things as loneliness (among many other feelings of invalidation) but thats just what monkey minds do. A symptom of essential invalidity rather than solo swinging perhaps?
Simple observation however, is for the monkeys who leave their minds below. Hanging way up in the canopy such things and their toils are all but insignificant. A funny thing to observe, more monkey-like than the monkeys that would disregard them and chuckle at the irony :))
So if you're ever lucky enough to spot a cockney green monkey dangling way up in the tops you're bound to catch a glint of joy in his eye; spontaneously growing jungles and delicious fruits! Or not?
By all means swing on up and declare hello, I'll be happy indeed to hang at your side for a timeless while. Only I must ask that you leave your monkey-mind below, the upper branches are too whisplike for heaviness ;)
And maybe then, you might tell me if you consider perception as receptive, creative or neither. Or you may not of course, either way we can shine happily along with the sun and the sky :)
Hope you listened to the song you remembered. Iris is a pretty flower.
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:21 am

Hello!! :)
I would say perception is purely conceptual be it either receptive ( which is what most of us experience) or creative ( extremely limited free will) as it is of the mind.
is it possible to leave the monkey mind behind and still perceive? I wouldn't know! no one least to the point to where it can be expressed or communicated.
now getting back to the receptive and the creative bit.....lets assume one is being creative with perception, everything that surrounds us is our perception ....i have no problems with that :) but then the question will arise...what has perceived "me/I" the one creating his reality...that where it gets loopy you perceive that which has perceived you? how would you know which is which :P
thats as much altitude this monkey can bear :)
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