Okay... I'll go first.

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You're killin' it man, those look awesome!
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They are looking great bvolt. Sure this is your first grow?
Colour is great and leaves look happy.

I have been growing for few years now.

What do you want to do with the seedlings? Look for the females and kill the males?
Or do you want to make a selection of the best male and female and reproduce?
The pots they are in will be too small soon. Would be better to put them in a larger container.
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Hi Tune,

I've been asked a few times if this is really my first grow (I take it as a tremendous compliment, especially coming from real cultivators), but I'm just doing the best that I can and hoping for healthy plants that survive until harvest.

As for the Jiffy Pots... they're really too big already (roots are already showing thru the bottom - I actually find it easier to transplant when the roots are well developed like this). One good thing about these Jiffy Pots is that I can cut away the container (no tipping to get it out or tipping back over to plant it).

I did have to enough Michigan Mix to pot two of the five,
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I'm hoping to pick up another bag before work.

I started with, what I'm told, are great genetics (awful: and the seeds are pretty good too) - they're from TGA Genetics. If you've heard of "Subcool", this is his line of seeds.

BTW - this time around, I was planning separating any males (if there are any) and grow whatever females are left. Is there something you think I should do differently? I'm open to ANY suggestions.
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looking great so far! they look happy :) yea those jiffy pots break away easy which helps transplanting.

yes 99% of TGA stuff is great.. you just gota figure out which strain/thc+cbd combo works best for you. which TGA strain or strains did you get?

on keeping males... throw them out if you want that 1% chance of any seeds. ( I always give that stress hermie a low chance of happening lol) some males can produce pollen in veg. and if he sittin in the same house let alone same room you could find seeds. but if you get one that looks freaking awesome keep him around you never know what traits it could add to your girls. it could make some weaker or it could make one girl super charged! its sooo random that's why it takes years of crossing the two to make it so most phenos have this this and that trait. I would probably look for speed/vigor from a male.. try to make the long time sativas faster :)
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I just got done making seeds. The GDP (grand daddy purple) for sure to my knowledge produces no visible signs of pollen/sex in veg. I have had a couple on hand and in my buddies veg area. It has taken that plant at least a week in 12/12 to start to turn and actually show signs.

my male was a stud and pollen was collected and I made seed. I'm 2-3 trays in and about 5 trays to go.

I will be putting my pheno tracking forum up using this same forum software to track through the progress.
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You have to put them on a 12/12 cycle before they show their gender.
When you plant them over in a bigger pot you can always dig them in to the first set of leaves.
Will you top the plants? Then i suggest you wait until the fifth internode. Then top them.
When they recover after a day or 2 you can switch the light regime to 12/12.
After 10 to 20 days later they reveal their gender. then you can throw out the males.
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Hey Tune,

I think I'm going to try something different to determine the plant's sex... and TBH, I probably should already have done this.

Check this out

:o :shock: :D

Has anyone used anything like this before? Any reason anyone can think of, not to utilize this tech @ $14.95 per test?
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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I know how to sex out the plants.. I was just saying that my GDP doesn't show male flowers on veg.. and some do. This one just didn't

the sex testing is worth it for you if you are limited on space. I will be getting a PCR machine and sexing out plants from samples cut from the leaf.. The exact process they are doing.. it can be upwards of $2-$3 per test actual cost of supplies and not including the 2 hour wait time for reactions to happen.

I will most likely be offering plant sexing in the future.
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That's really neat; didn't know you could do that.
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not a lot of companies offer it, but its something that is doable from leaf cutting.

there are chromosome markers that differentiate between male an female, because cannabis is dioecious.
so there are defined XX and XY chromosomes.
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