Can i combine a inlinewattmeter with a HLG?

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I'm almost getting started with my first build.
I have a HLG 320H-24B.
I would like to use the dim feature with a Potmeter 100k .
Can i use this product to measure the wattage? ... 25&sr=8-27
LED Wizard
LED Wizard
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I would not trust something with such flimsy thin wires to handle the heavy current that will be passing. They say 100A max? No way, not with what looks like 18ga wire.
I use a shunt-based meter, that way you're not restricting the circuit with flimsy wires.
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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I have used these on a few builds over the years. Cheap, and just clampes over the hot wire to monitor. There no load actually going through it from the driver/led system.
That's an AC one. They have them for DC if you wanted to monitor/check that instead.

Can put it and the POT in a nice little project box for some clean looks too.
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