Galactic Jack | June 12 | Manifold

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Is it the alpha? Anyway, these are 5 seedlings from the same pack of seeds. You see the one that doesn't belong?

Please be a female:
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I'm thinking of trying a manifold with at least one of these plants. Has anyone ever done this? How much space would be required? Assuming a short indica, maybe a kush...
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Am I seeing yellowing on the leaves of the two plants to the left? It could just be the lighting, but other wise you might want to take care of that. (On later stages of flowering that would be totally normal for lower hanging leaves, at this stage the most likely guess is slight nitrogen deficiency.)

As for the plants, they all look fine. When growing from seed you always end up with a grade of variability between the plants, even when growing the same breed from the same seed bank. For a manifold you'd probably want to top or fim the plant, which isn't a bad idea as long as it isn't a ruderalis/autoflowering mix. As for space required, assume the fully flowered plant would be a bit over twice as large as it is when it switches to flowering.
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I always love seeing one 5X the size of the rest when starting seeds.. hopefully that is a female.. Its got the vigor going for it!!!! what seed pack did you pop?? ( I cant read the tag :) )

Also when you say manifold what are you talking about???
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These seeds are from Subcool's TGA Genetics, they're Galactic Jack (regular).

I had these plants in jiffy pots a little longer than I should have. I believe the yellowing in the leaves is from too much nutrient uptake due to the fast evaporation. The newer leaves look much better - so, keeping them healthy isn't really my problem...

"Manifold" is another name for main lining , it's just a training technique that - supposedly, maximizes bud growth. Search: "Nugbucket mainline" for a complete description.

Anyone notice the curling of the leaves on the big guy? He seems too healthy to have an actual problem, but...
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I see what main lining is... pretty much a different form of bonsai/scrog training them.

Did you have a big temp flux? or change the lighting from what it started under? I would think that a tiny bit of tip curl is from something simple like that and not get to worried about it yet...When I get a big heat increase/drop all at once( temps outside went from 80 to 55 back to 80 within 3 days) or when I take them out from under the T8's and put them under the hps I notice tiny amounts of tip curl similar to that..

I like Sativa head highs so Galactic Jack sounds right up my ally :) I got medical seed company's (from Spain) version of Jack Herer.. I just have not popped them yet.. I'm playing around with Morning Glory from Barneys first... got a really hashy smelling mom that I'm excited about :)
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I wasn't familiar with manifolding, looks like something worth a try! Thanks!
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Did you have a formula that you normally use or do you just let them do their thing? This will only be my second grow, so I'm still searching for what techniques and schedules are considered "the best".

Although, I suppose "best" requires a definition...
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For anyone interested and for no particular reason - this is Step 1 in my attempt at mainlining:
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They seem pretty happy. Shiny.

Except the top right - that curling I mentioned before.

Here's a "before" shot:
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Honestly, I think it so fucking huge it's damaging itself when it moves in the breeze, but...
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That thing is a beast! Great pics. Looking forward to seeing this progress.
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Hey all,

I'm just going to keep posting updates - hope you enjoy 'em!

Topped for the 2nd time... clearing 2nd node, leaving 1 & 3.

"Taming the beast"
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Little sis:
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The whole gang:
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The rest are at three nodes per side since topped last.

Super dark green, healthy and happy... I'm happy, so far.
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