Time lapse?

Discuss garden automation systems and software here, including commercial products or Raspberry Pi and Arduino DIY setups.
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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Does anybody have experience with taking time-lapse pictures of their grow? I'd like to also use the same camera to have a look inside the tent every once and a while, so this would obviously have to be wifi-enabled.

I can follow instructions for a RPi/Arduino build if you have recommendations, but if there's something plug-and-play you have experience with (and doesn't cost more than $50) that would keep me focused on more important thing :roll:
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I'm not familiar with any single-purchase product that'll do this for you but the raspberry pi method is basically plug-and-play (and copying / pasting code). I just finished mine, take a look here: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/pro ... apse-setup

I already had a raspberry pi zero doing nothing. I bought a noIR camera for night shots: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01ER ... UTF8&psc=1

Happy to help you out if you have any trouble!
LED Enthusiast
LED Enthusiast
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I just used my cell phone and photoshop to line up the pictures.
Not the greatest but it requires little effort.
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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RPi with camera module is what I am going to get
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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My old RPi0 seems to have died, and I can't say I was too sorry to find that out. With only a single micro-USB port it was impossible to have both wifi and a keyboard attached... Got myself a couple of RPi0W, one of which will be in-tent monitoring (time-lapse, video monitoring, temp/RH -- if I can figure out how to do that) and the other, well, it'll find some use or another :D
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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majorana wrote:
Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:49 pm
My old RPi0 seems to have died, and I can't say I was too sorry to find that out. With only a single micro-USB port it was impossible to have both wifi and a keyboard attached... Got myself a couple of RPi0W, one of which will be in-tent monitoring (time-lapse, video monitoring, temp/RH -- if I can figure out how to do that) and the other, well, it'll find some use or another :D
Plenty of guides on how to do that! That's not hard to do.
As soon as I stop being broke I have an order ready on aliexpress with plenty of sensors and arduinos to be implemented in my grow and get fancy charts!
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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Grower wrote:
Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:35 pm
Plenty of guides on how to do that! That's not hard to do.
As soon as I stop being broke I have an order ready on aliexpress with plenty of sensors and arduinos to be implemented in my grow and get fancy charts!
I already have the sensors, including a few which I doubt I'd be using. If you'd like soil humidity sensors write me a message with your address, I'm growing in coco with blumats-- it's always watered! :lol:

My problem is that these things came easy to me as a teen, twenty+ years ago. Higher education has definitely made me a whole lot dumber...
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
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majorana wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:00 am
Grower wrote:
Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:35 pm
Plenty of guides on how to do that! That's not hard to do.
As soon as I stop being broke I have an order ready on aliexpress with plenty of sensors and arduinos to be implemented in my grow and get fancy charts!
I already have the sensors, including a few which I doubt I'd be using. If you'd like soil humidity sensors write me a message with your address, I'm growing in coco with blumats-- it's always watered! :lol:

My problem is that these things came easy to me as a teen, twenty+ years ago. Higher education has definitely made me a whole lot dumber...
I am trying to build a IoT setup through MQTT.
Did you try soil moisture sensors in coco? do they work?
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
Posts: 278
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Grower wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:31 am
I am trying to build a IoT setup through MQTT.
Did you try soil moisture sensors in coco? do they work?
No, I haven't. Given that coco is essentially a form of hydroponics, it's always kept moist. Those sensors (they came in a pack of 5) would be useful for somebody growing in soil, indicating to them when to water (or open a valve / activate a pump.)
LED Maniac
LED Maniac
Posts: 290
Joined: Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:28 pm

majorana wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:19 pm
Grower wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:31 am
I am trying to build a IoT setup through MQTT.
Did you try soil moisture sensors in coco? do they work?
No, I haven't. Given that coco is essentially a form of hydroponics, it's always kept moist. Those sensors (they came in a pack of 5) would be useful for somebody growing in soil, indicating to them when to water (or open a valve / activate a pump.)
There are different opinions on coco. Someone thinks it should always be kept moist, others think a dry-wet cycle is needed. Anyway I am interested in trying capacitive soil moisture sensors in coco since it is more similar to soil rather than plain hydro
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