Growmau5 100W 48V 2A pucks for $50 (220pc lm561C)

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I don't know if it's just me but I feel like Growmau5 is letting his fame in the growing community get to his head. I was watching his live stream one day and he was going on a rant about multiple things. One of them was about people buying stuff from China to cut costs. I'm sure it was motivated by some guy making his own PCB pucks that were pretty much identical and selling them. I guess it's understandable, but that's the name of the game. Unless you have a patent, and spend bookoo bucks to make sure nobody infringes on your patent, people are always going to find a way to make it cheaper, better or both.

He said one thing that rubbed me the wrong way, and maybe I took it the wrong way. He said that "If all you care about is saving money then you're not a true DIY'er". Isn't that the whole point of DIY? to make it cheaper and save money? I mean why in the world would you put so much time an effort into something only to spend the same amount of money as you would if you bought a professionally built product? IDK I think everything Growmau5 has done to help the DIY and growing community is great, but I feel like now that he has a product to sell he's straying from the path that got him to where he is.
Last edited by Bjjislife on Tue May 22, 2018 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bjjislife wrote:
Thu May 10, 2018 2:48 pm
He said that "If all you care about is saving money then you're not a true DIY'er". Isn't that the whole point of DIY? to make it cheaper and save money? I mean why in the world would you put so much time an effort into something only to spend the same amount of money as you would if you bought a professionally built product? IDK I think everything Growmau5 has done to help the DIY and growing community is great, but I feel like now that he has a product to sell he's straying from the path that got him to where he is.
Hello! I'm here to respectfully disagree :) Not every DIYer's motivations are the same.
I, for one, am attracted to DIY to push the envelope of what is possible. To seek out new lights and new technologies. To Boldly Go Where No Grower Has Gone Before.
After exhaustive research, no commercial light has been able to offer me everything that I require. Therefore, I will create it myself..... except not quite. I will learn from these forums, from Growmau5, from Green Genes, Vitaliy from Chilled LED, from LEDG and JGG and Complex, I'll take the lessons learned from Robin at HLG, the data from fellow DIYers and make something worth stealing.
I fault Grow not for finally making money for his genius, nor for picking a company that is TRULY innovative to work with. I feel he can better advance LIGHTING with his new resources. I must politely differ in my opinion that Mr. Mau5 is straying from the path that got him to where he is. Matter of fact, I think the CHILLED tech connection system and the modular Chilled DIY kits might be a gift to the DIY community.
I appreciate cost savings just like the next guy, but I respect that many of the innovations in grow lighting have happened by DIYers pushing science and innovation faster than industry can through experimentation and knowledge sharing. That's amazing. I'd like to be a part of that.
To each their own though!
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Professor Xavier wrote:
Thu May 10, 2018 3:38 pm
Hello! I'm here to respectfully disagree :) Not every DIYer's motivations are the same.
I, for one, am attracted to DIY to push the envelope of what is possible. To seek out new lights and new technologies. To Boldly Go Where No Grower Has Gone Before.
After exhaustive research, no commercial light has been able to offer me everything that I require. Therefore, I will create it myself..... except not quite. I will learn from these forums, from Growmau5, from Green Genes, Vitaliy from Chilled LED, from LEDG and JGG and Complex, I'll take the lessons learned from Robin at HLG, the data from fellow DIYers and make something worth stealing.
I fault Grow not for finally making money for his genius, nor for picking a company that is TRULY innovative to work with. I feel he can better advance LIGHTING with his new resources. I must politely differ in my opinion that Mr. Mau5 is straying from the path that got him to where he is. Matter of fact, I think the CHILLED tech connection system and the modular Chilled DIY kits might be a gift to the DIY community.
I appreciate cost savings just like the next guy, but I respect that many of the innovations in grow lighting have happened by DIYers pushing science and innovation faster than industry can through experimentation and knowledge sharing. That's amazing. I'd like to be a part of that.
To each their own though!
While I respect your opinion, I think you're among the few DIYers who don't consider saving money to be a #1 priority.

Also, while Chilled's new modular system is pretty bitchin, I think it's teetering on the edge of what would be considered DIY.
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Grower wrote:
Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:42 pm
Probably a move to gain even more market share. There is people buying and using cobs, now they can keep the same fixture they have and just screw in this new board.
My thought exactly.
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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LEDG wrote:
Thu May 10, 2018 4:26 am
I want to be part of the cool kid club too!B15299DE-D73C-499C-B263-A43C15AC67B5.jpeg
When can we expect a video review?
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Humple wrote:
Mon May 14, 2018 1:00 am
LEDG wrote:
Thu May 10, 2018 4:26 am
I want to be part of the cool kid club too!B15299DE-D73C-499C-B263-A43C15AC67B5.jpeg
When can we expect a video review?
As soon as I can get some 140mm pin fins up here. I checked rapid and with shipping it was going to be something like $230 for 6 🤑
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Pretty damn bright!! running them @96w
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Yeah, hard to even compare the spread from a COB with that.
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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LEDG wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:04 pm
I think the main appeal is that the spectrum on these pucks has been tuned for horticulture by chilLED.

Also, from what I've seen on Instagram, it also seems like they can be run quite hard on these sinks - If I recall, GM5 was running at 2.3A or so, at ~45V. Not sure what size of heat sink is required, but 100W will produce a lot of light if you're willing to sacrifice some efficiency. I think the fact that the pucks take up a good chunk of the heat sink's surface area allows you to get away with running so much power, whereas a COB that's taking up far less surface area with the heat concentrated in that small area will run into trouble at the same power.

We'll see a thread with the official specs very soon on here.
`That's right - the transfer of energy all has to take place within that 30mm square, whereas with the PCB can spread it across the entire sink. Good point man.
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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