How to use the whole plant?

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I’m absolutely interested in hearing more about your dry ice (or ice water)/bubble hash extraction process. Curious tho, if you think you get as high a concentration (of THC) as with full plant solvent extraction?
You might wanna double-check anything you've read here...
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My friend got good bubblebags, i think there is 4 or 5 different mesh except the "workingbag".

There is some improvment to do there.
Ive come across information, that makes sense, if water the plant and cut it as wet as possible and then put into freezer right away and let sit over night. The water expands becoming Ice and should therefore break the cell membrane. And then when dried and grinded the weed should be more breaked up and will have more surface in contact with the solvent.

During Ice hash the water doesent disolve anything exept helps splitting trices from plantmatter, transporting it. So what i stated above may not affekt in the way i wrote, but there is a good reason to freeze it anyway since it helps tricomes come of more easy.

Also a improvment would be using a electrical whip and quit looking like some native stoneaged motherfucker standing with a bambu stick whipping for 30 mins straight..

I would be happy if you share your recipees her also.

And my thoughts about what you can extract and what not, no one else have any thoughts? Im talking about Ice hash here. Since the way here is to make the tricomes come off the plant matter I dont know what cannabinoids and terpenes that is to be found in the tricomes compared to the plant matter. My instinct tells me that if you separate the tricomes and throw plant matter u will get strong thc and also some other stuff, but that you have to use some solvent or other method to extract what is disolved within the plant matter.

On the other hand ive read that you make live rosin by making Ice hash, freezing it, and put it under pressure and heat to extract the stuff u like. And that is supposed to give a full profile.

But maybe ice-hash isnt the best way to go with material that has little to none sparkles on it?

Ive tried also to make ghee, and ive had good results. Uncle psyco do you want to share your recipees?

I havent tried alcohol extraction since it is hard to come by strong ethanol here. Byt maybe i can buy from ebay and try it out.
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